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You were all at Saiko's house, about to listen to her new song.


Boopkins: I'm so excited to hear your new song!

Bob: BoO! wE WaNt rAp mUsIc!

Saiko was about to start when Mario stops her.

Mario: Wait! Mario needs to piss. Can you wait a second before you play your nursery rhyme?

Saiko: I'm going to kill him...

Bob: HeLl yEaH! dO It!

Mario: Hey! Is the toilet behind this door?

Mario reaches to open the door when Saiko suddenly calls out.

Saiko: NO! DON'T!!!

She quickly blocks the path of Mario, making her stand between him and the door. She sees that Mario is caught off-guard by her sudden behavior and tries to recompose herself.

Saiko: Uh... I mean...the bathroom's over there.

Mario stares at Saiko suspiciously before giving her two thumbs ups and heading toward the bathroom, causing her to sigh in relief.

Saiko: Sorry about that guys. Now where was I... MARIO!!!!!

Mario was once again at the door attempting to open it. Saiko dives to grab him but Mario dodges it, causing her to crash into a wall. Mario once again tries to open the door when Saiko grabs him and throws him onto the stove. Mario sets the stove on the highest setting and aims it at Saiko, causing fire to erupt out of it. Saiko screams as she catches on fire, causing Mario to laugh. However, Saiko grabs him and a tussle begins to happen. While all this takes place, you all were watching it.

Meggy: Uh, anyone want to help her?

You: Nope.

Bob turns his attention to the microphone.

Bob: No, I GoT A BeTtEr iDeA.

Bob grabs the mic and starts to rap while Saiko still deals with Mario. Once he was done, everyone except you claps for Bob.

Bob: Ha! I StIlL GoT It!

Melony gets up and grabs the mic, trying to do her own version of "rapping".

Bob: So, YoU WiSh tO LeArN ThE WaY Of tHe rApS?

Boopkins: Aw Bob, I think she just wants to play around.

You: Correct.

Bob: PlAy aRoUnD? tHe hOoD LiFe aIn't nO GaMe bOoPkInS.

Meanwhile, Saiko was pinning Mario down with a chair, the latter struggling to get free.


Saiko: Because it's none of your business, that's why!

Mario: What if...what if Mario's dreams are behind that door...?

He imagines what it would be like.


Saiko kicks Mario away when he breaks free and dives for the door.

Mario: So it's a fight you want, huh?

Luigi: Oh dear...what a mess! Don't worry Saiko! I'll help clean the room up! Hey, can you help me, Meggy?

Meggy: Awww...I think it looks fine.

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