The Alter-Ego

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It's another beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom as you were walking in the city, minding your own business. It had been a couple of weeks since SMG4's 10 year anniversary and the whole Zero incident.

You: I think I'll go to the castle and see what the gang is up to.

As you made your way there, you were suddenly surrounded by Goomba Gangsters pointing guns at you.

Mohawk Goomba Gangster: Hey! You're the same guy who's friends with the girl that shot our friend! You're going to pay for that!

You: I...I ain't looking for trouble!

They wouldn't listen and backed you into a corner. You begin to be put under extreme stress as you realize you were about to face certain death, as there were way too many of them. Suddenly, you clutched your head in pain as you started to lose consciousness until you were fully out.

The Goombas watching you looked on confused and then terrified when you lifted your head up for them to see red swirls in your eyes and a deranged grin on your face. You suddenly float up as you grin down predatorially at the shocked and terrified Goombas.

You(?): Really? (Y/N) was stressed about these fools? HOW PATHETIC! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Mohawk Goomba Gangster: W-What...what the hell are you?!

Fleetway: I'm Fleetway, the last name you pitiful creatures will EVER hear!

With that, he brutally took apart of the Goombas, ripping them to shreds and such while some fled, screaming for their lives. After handling the Goombas, Fleetway took off, flying through some buildings as they collapse to the ground with people still inside them while Fleetway laughed like a maniac.


When you finally woke up, you were in the castle and the gang were surrounding you with worried looks on their faces.

You: Wha-...What's going on?

SMG4: We found you outside of the castle but that's not important right now. What's important is this!

He turns on the TV and on the news was how some of the city was destroyed by a maniac who looked exactly like you. The gang exchanged worried glances at each other as they continued to watch.

You: B-But that's not me!

SMG4: He looks exactly like you, though...


SMG4: *sighs* Well if you insist you're not doing it, then I guess we can believe you...

After a while, the gang finally lets you go and leave the castle. Melony, however, watched you exit the castle with an extremely worried look on her face.

Melony: (Y/N)...


You walk down a different portion of the city, lost in the thought about the news on the TV. Who was this person? Why did they destroy the city? And most importantly, why did they look like you? As you were lost in thought, you were unaware that Melony had been following you the whole time. She didn't know why, but she suspected that something was wrong with you and that she needed to help you.

Melony suddenly gasped and quickly hid. Looking up, you were surrounded by police officers.

Mr. Monitor: You are under arrest for terrorism!

You: *backing away in fright* B-But that wasn't me!

Mr. Monitor: A likely story! Tell it to the judge!

Melony was about to step in and defuse the situation for you when she gasped audibly when she saw you transform into Fleetway again. She saw him effortlessly take out the police force as he laughs maniacally. After that, he turns his attention to the rest of the city.

Fleetway: This city is too boring for my taste! I think I'll spice everyone's lives up a bit by adding some CHAOS IN THEIR LIVES! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

With that, Fleetway took off at high speeds and Melony watched, shocked on what happened. She quickly came out of her hiding spot and ran after Fleetway, determined to stop him in his tracks. She finds him causing chaos just like he said he would, destroying buildings and terrorizing the citizens.

Melony: (Y/N)!

Fleetway stops for a moment and turns his attention to Melony. Upon spotting her, he grins maniacally.

Fleetway: Well, if it isn't the melon girl! I assume you have come here to stop me! HAH! Good luck with that! NOTHING CAN STOP FLEETWAY! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Melony: No (Y/N), stop! You're making a terrible mistake! Please listen to me! This isn't you! We're supposed to help people, not hurt them! Don't you remember?

It seemed to have worked as you started to turn back to normal.

You: Huh? Yeah...yeah I think I remember now...

Happy that she got you back, she hugged you as you hugged her back. Soon, the rest of the gang arrived.

SMG4: Melony! What happened?!

Melony explains everything to the gang on what she saw and what happened.

Axol: I think I get it... It's like an alter-ego of (Y/N) that only comes out when he's under extreme stress or extremely angry. But where did he gain it from? Did he always have it?

Tari: It seems like its another mystery to add to the pile...

SMG4: Hopefully we don't see that alter-ego ever again...

You: I'll try to prevent him from coming out, no promises though.

(This is just a little filler episode to introduce you to someone. Meet Fleetway, your alter-ego! He is entirely based off of Fleetway Super Sonic from the British comic series. Don't worry, he'll make other appearances in other episodes too, so I hope you're excited for more Fleetway!)

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