Studying for Exams (but You're Friends with Mario)

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Luigi is seen meditating in the castle when Mario approaches him.


Luigi doesn't respond to Mario.

Mario: Luigi? *begins to slap Luigi repeatably before screaming in his ear with a horn* LUIIIIIGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!

Meggy: Mario! Can you pipe down please? Melony and I are studying for our exams tomorrow!

Mario: ...Exams? *vomits everywhere* Why are you doing exams?

Meggy: Because Melony and I are trying to get into college. I'm trying to study to become a sports coach! And Melony... Melony needs to take classes to control her deity powers. So please try to be quiet!

Mario: Those stupid girls can't tell us what to do, right Luigi? Luigi?

He turns and sees Luigi ascending because of his meditation.

Meggy: Ok they've finally stopped. Now where were we? That's right, mathematics. *picks up book* Alright, let's see... Solve for x...

Melony: (I wish (Y/N) agreed to come with college with me so we could study together...)

Meggy's phone rings and she tries to ignore it by flipping it over. However, she keeps eyeing it nervously.


Meggy grabs the phone and begins to text on it when she suddenly stops, having caught herself. She puts the phone down and sighs.

Meggy: Oh man...distracted again... How are you going Melony?

She sees Melony spinning around in her chair having fun doing so.

Meggy: Ok, I think we just need a little pick me up. *brings out some bags of Doritos* Ok, these snacks should help us!

She opens a bag and is shocked to find Mario inside of it.

Mario: Luigi's being boring and floating all over the place. So I was thinking you girls might want to play a game with me?


She kicks Mario back into the lobby where Luigi is still ascending. Mario breaks through a window only a couple of seconds later.

Mario: Awww c'mon guys! Mario can be a big help! Ask me anything!

Melony: What's the square root of 144?

Mario: ...What the hell are you talking about?

Meggy kicks Mario away and starts boarding up the windows and the door so he can't come in again.

Meggy: We have less than a day to study for an exam that'll change our lives! *picks up Melony and throws back into her chair* NO DISTRACTIONS!!

Melony: Yes boss!

Mario: *barges through the door like it's nothing* HEY MEGGY!

Meggy: *eye twitches* I'm going to kill him.

Mario: So I know you're having trouble studying so Mario brought a friend to help!

Baldi: *slaps ruler against own hand while laughing*


Soon, Baldi was teaching them math.

Baldi: Now it's time for everybody's favorite subject: MATH! 2 plus 2 is four! 2 plus 2 is 4!

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