According to All Known Laws of Aviation

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It had been a couple of mouths since you've "met" Melony. The gang instantly accepted her and saw nothing wrong with it. You had also spent Christmas with the gang and helped Melony find the bed she really wanted. Anyway, as for you, you were watching Axol's anime "Two Piece" with Bob, Melony, and Axol but really you were still thinking about your crush on Melony. Never in your life would you have ever expected to develop a crush on a melon that turned into a human.

Suddenly, you were brought out of your thoughts when you felt something on your shoulder. Looking down, you see it's Melony sleeping on your shoulder. You blushed and looked at Axol and judging by his smug look, you knew he had slightly pushed her on purpose to make her fall onto your shoulder.

You: Haha, very funny...

A bee lands on Axol's leg, which Bob takes notice of.

Bob: BrO lOoK oUt!

He launches himself at Axol in an attempt to hit the bee but misses and hits Axol in the crotch instead.


Bob: DaMn I mIsSeD! DoN't WoRry I'vE gOt A pLaN!

He slices the stairway door in half with his blades.


Axol runs after him while you just sigh to yourself.

You: Oh for fucks sake...

You pick up the sleeping Melony and give her a piggyback ride as you follow them downstairs.

Bob and Axol quickly run through the door and Bob yeets a couch in front of the door as they catch their breath. Axol then suddenly realizes something.

Axol: Wait... WHERE'S (Y/N) AND MELONY?!

He kicks aside the couch blocking the door.


Bob quickly stops him from opening the door and going back.

Bob: BrO iT's ToO lAtE fOr ThEm-

They hear a knock from the door and Axol opens it to reveal you and Melony.

Axol: Oh thank goodness you're both safe!

You enter the room while Bob pushes the sofa to block the door again.

You: So nice to see that I have friends that will ditch me without hesitation because of a bee.

Axol: Sorry about that, (Y/N).

Bob turns around and screams at what he sees.

You: What is it now, Bob?

You and Axol turn to see what Bob sees and see the same bee flying around the room. Axol and Bob scream and run for the front door and instantly run into Meggy and Saiko, who were just coming into the castle along with Fishy Boopkins. The commotion caused Melony to stir but didn't wake her up.

Axol: Please help us! This thing is too powerful!

Meggy and Saiko get ready to fight whatever is harassing their friends when they realize Axol is talking about the bee and laugh about it.

Saiko: You serious?

Meggy: If you're that scared, then just leave it to us!

Axol: Uh, bye!

He and Bob take off running into SMG4's "room" and shut the door behind them. You sigh to yourself again and turn to look at Meggy and Saiko, who were already looking at you with a smug look.

You: *blushes slightly* W-What?

Saiko: Oh nothing. Just taking note of how you're holding Melony.

Meggy: You must reeeeally like her to carry her like that.

You: S-Shut the fuck up and just deal with the goddamn bee already.

They turn their attention to the bee, who was staring at them and nod at each other. Boopkins was nearly full-on panicking. Saiko quickly jumps up and pulls out her hammer and slams it into the bee, making it go towards Meggy, who slams her foot into it, making the bee slam into the ground.

Boopkins: Whoooaaa! Looking cool, ladies!

When the dust finally settles, it was revealed that the bee wasn't even harmed and slowly began making its way towards Boopkins.

Boopkins: Ahh! No no, don't touch me there! That is my no-no square!

Meggy: Team! Special attack!!!

They began to attack the insect Persona style, dealing tons of blows onto it, only to reveal that they actually missed.

Saiko: Impossible! This bee might be the strongest foe we have ever fought!

The bee eventually flies off into the basement, clearly bored with this ordeal.

Boopkins: Meggy! What else can we do?!

Meggy: This calls for backup!

She pulls out her phone and calls someone, speaking about the bee in the basement. Afterwards, she hangs up and the three of them head into where Bob and Axol went. You just decided to stay out here with Melony.

It was around this time that SMG4 came up to you.

SMG4: Hey Melony. Hey (Y/N). Have you seen the others?

You: Pretty sure they're in your room.

Just as you said that, screams could be heard from the said room. SMG4 facepalms and sighs.

SMG4: Ugh, I guess I'll have to just deal with this...

He walks up to the door and opens it to see the rest of the gang screaming about the bee in the room.

SMG4: Goddamnit, you guys are useless.

He pulls out sunglasses and puts them on.

SMG4: Well, it looks like it's up to me. *starts playing sax to lure the bee with sickass music*

The gang (excluding you and Melony) had followed him outside and cheered when he successfully lured the bee away from the castle.

Mario: BRO! YOU DID IT!!!

Bob: SmG4 yOu HaVe SoMe TiTaNiUm BaLlS mAn!

SMG4: Thanks, now everything can get back to normal now.

He leans against a tree and a bee hive suddenly falls onto his head.



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My Melon Girl (Melony x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now