The Mario Documentary

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(Ok, let's go back to the SMG4 episodes because I need to recharge my original chapter making skills before I get burned out)

At Mario's house, we see someone recording Mario as he is about to check the fridge.

Narrator: In the wild, we see the wild Mario in his natural habitat, searching for food.

Mario checks the fridge only to see it empty.

Narrator: But something is amiss.


Narrator: With a lack of food source, he turns to a family member for help.

Luigi: *looks at the camera* Hey uhh who's tha-


Luigi: Oh yeah sorry, I ate the last plate.

Mario, enraged upon hearing that, begins to violently attack Luigi.

Narrator: Mario finally commits an act of extreme violence for his spaghetti.

Mario: *holding a chainsaw* GIVE ME YOUR LIVER!

Luigi: *holds up coupon* I-I got this coupon so you can go get free spaghetti at the store!

Mario hugs Luigi after hearing that, who hugs him back with a shocked and frightened look still on his face.

Narrator: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Mario Documentary.


We then see the camera following Mario around in a mall. Mario is on the ground sniffing for something.

Narrator: The Mario sneaks onto the hunting ground to hunt for more food.

Mario sniffs around the mall in search of spaghetti and even causes a Scout wearing a hotdog costume to jump out the mall's window in fear of Mario eating him. Mario then tries to devour a Toad before annoying a Starbucks employee who spooks him away by pulling out a shotgun. Eventually, Mario seems to find what he's looking for but so has somebody else.

Narrator: Oh, what's this? A competitor.

As the old man approaches the spaghetti, Mario crouches down, preparing to attack.

Narrator: Ah, we see the Mario preparing to LUNGE for his prey.

Mario jumps at the old man and they both start slapping each other.

Narrator: What an absolutely intense fight...

Eventually, Mario kicks the old man away, allowing him to claim his prize.

Narrator: And thus, his opponent has been defeated epically.

Old Man: What a bitch!


We then see the spaghetti on the table wearing a bow and Mario in his boxers.

Narrator: Mario now begins his mating call.

Mario begins to make weird noises and weird gestures at the spaghetti, who starts blushing profusely until steam starts coming out of it.

Narrator: The Mario is successful. With the mate successfully seduced, Mario begins his mating ritual.

Mario brings over a chair and sits down on it, preparing to eat the spaghetti but is interrupted by banging on his front door. The door then gets kicked down, revealing it to be the old man from earlier.

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