Mario Can't Play With You Anymore

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We see Mario enter the castle in a very weird way, which Toad takes notice of.

Toad: Goodness, Mario! The princess has been captured!

Mario snaps his head to look at Toad.

Mario: Toad? When the heck did you care about the princess?

Toad: Please help Mario! You're our only hope!

Mario smacks Toad, who falls onto the ground with a smushed head. Bowser then suddenly bursts through some doors to reveal he has captured Peach.

Bowser: MWAHAHA! It is I, King Koopa and the princess is mine!

Mario: ...Wot? Bowser, quit acting stupid! Let's go play some video games.

Bowser: Well if it isn't Mario, my archnemesis. Get ready to fight!

Mario pulls out a gun and aims it at Bowser but the gun wouldn't fire. Suddenly, the gun transforms into a Fire Flower. Peach cries out for help, causing Mario to throw Toad at her to make her shut up. He then proceeds to exit the castle.


Once outside, Mario is surprised to see Luigi there.

Luigi: MARIO! There you are!

Mario shows Luigi a magazine, which Luigi likes immensely. It however becomes the Bible because of censorship, which Luigi did not like.

Mario: Oh thank god you're still normal Luigi. Something really weird is happening.

Luigi: I know! Everyone's acting strange! And that's not all! I have to show you something!

Mario begins to follow Luigi but Bowser shows up again.

Bowser: Hey, look! I got Peach. Gonna kidnap her. Gonna make her my princess.

Mario: I don't care! She's a bitch.

Luigi leads Mario to the outskirts of the Mushroom Kingdom, where there is a giant barrier separating it from the other side.

Luigi: This giant barrier appeared here over night!

Mario proceeds to do a stupid thing regarding the barrier while Luigi looks at the other side curiously.


On the other side of the barrier, SMG4 wakes up and looks around, noticing you and Meggy next to him. The both of you wake up.

Meggy. Ow...what the hell? SMG4! (Y/N)! What happened? Where are we?

SMG4: I-I dunno... Last thing I remember was watching memes while on the toilet yesterday.

You and Meggy just look at him, weirded out.

SMG4: What?

Soon, the three of you were passing by Karen, Rob, the two SMGs, and all the other characters while trying to grasp where you all were.

SMG4: Well, things seem normal...? Let's just go back to the castle and figure things out.

Meggy: Yeah alright, I bet you Mario has something to do with this.

The three of you then notice the giant barrier blocking your way to the Mushroom Kingdom.

SMG4: Hey! Why are we blocked off from the kingdom!?

Meggy: that Mario?!

SMG4: Mario, what's going on?! What is this?!

Mario: I don't know.

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