Bus Trip

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A bus drives up to you all waiting outside Omnia Academy and stops to let you all on.

Swag: You kids want some candy?

Saiko: Well look who's finally on time for once.

Swag: You wot m8?!

Bob kicks him back in the bus as he gets on.

Bob: Ah hElL YeAh! NeXt sToP, tHe cAsInO!

Tari: Uh, Bob...this is a school camping excursion to the forest.

Bob: GoDdAmNiT!

Tari gets on next when Melony turns to Saiko.

Melony: Hey Saiko, why are you and Tari coming?

Saiko: Because we're been asked to babysit HIM!

Mario waves at her before Saiko grabs him and starts dragging him onto the bus.

Saiko: Alright, c'mon buddy let's get you in your seat.

You and Melony follow after her along with the rest of others. Shroomy is the last one to get on.

Shroomy: Oh golly gee! Thank you all for signing up for the Camping Club! My name's Shroomy and I'll be your camping leader for today!

Most of you greet Shroomy back.

Shroomy: Now before we leave, does anyone need anything?

No one responses.

Shroomy: Anything at all?

Still no answer.

Shroomy: *looking directly at Mario* Because this is the last chance to get it!


Shroomy: Alrighty then, let's head out!

Swag starts up the bus and as soon he does, Mario realizes he does need something.

Mario: WAIT! Mario needs to piss-

You: Too late, dumbass.

Shroomy: TOO LATE!

Melony: Yaaay! Forest here we come!

As the bus takes off, someone starts running after it, desperate to catch up.


Bob: SoMeOnE HeAr sOmEtHiNg?

Boopkins grabs and holds onto the back of the bus as you all make your way to the forest.

Mario: Guys, can you let Mario out of this seat, I need to piss!

Tari: Ok!

Saiko: No Tari! Remember YOUR MISSION!

Tari takes off her hat and salutes to Saiko.

Mario: I'M SERIOUS!!! I need to go piss, let me out of here! Please I beg you!

Mario gives Tari puppy dog eyes, which Tari almost falls for until Saiko shakes her head at her, reminding her of what she's supposed to do.

Tari: Sorry Mario.

Mario: Fine. You want to play it that way? I'm going to be as annoying as possible.

Mario starts be annoying as he said he would and Tari finds it amusing. She starts to join in with Mario, much to Saiko's dismay. Meanwhile, Melony was resting her head on your shoulder and was ready to take a nap.

You: You can go to sleep, babe. I'll wake you up when we get there.

Melony: *yawns* Ok... I love you...

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