Confronting Yourself

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(Sorry this took so long, I've been working on other types of stories that are in the works)

It was going to be another chipper day in the Mushroom Kingdom as the sun slowly rose up. Well, it was going to be a chipper day...until he showed up. A mysterious figure steps out of a portal and takes a long look at the kingdom with a sadistic grin on his face as the portal closes behind him. He's been waiting for this.

???: F̷i̴n̴a̵l̶l̸y̴,̸ ̸I̶'̸m̷ ̷i̴n̸ ̴t̵h̵i̶s̶ ̷m̵o̵r̶t̴a̵l̵ ̵r̷e̴a̴l̸m̶ ̷a̵t̵ ̷l̶o̴n̶g̸ ̵l̴a̷s̵t̸.̵ ̵L̴e̶t̴'̶s̶ ̶s̷e̵e̶ ̸i̶f̵ ̵t̵h̶e̶s̷e̵ ̷m̴o̸r̷t̴a̷l̴ ̶p̷l̷a̷y̶t̷h̷i̷n̶g̷s̴ ̵w̶a̵n̶t̵ ̵t̷o̸ ̶p̸l̶a̷y̸ ̸w̵i̷t̷h̵ ̷m̷e̶ ̸a̷s̷ ̶w̸e̵l̶l̵,̴ ̷j̸u̶s̶t̵ ̸l̵i̴k̸e̵ ̵t̸h̷e̵ ̶o̸t̷h̴e̴r̸s̵ ̴f̴r̶o̴m̷ ̸M̴Y̸ ̷w̶o̷r̷l̸d̸ ̶d̶i̶d̸.̷ ̸M̴a̶y̷b̶e̶ ̷I̵ ̶c̴a̸n̸ ̷e̷v̸e̸n̷ ̴f̵i̸n̵d̵ ̸h̸i̸m̵.̶.̶.̵

Demonic laughter escapes from his mouth as he flies directly towards the kingdom, hellbent on causing pain and agony to every single sentient living being.


You groggily open your eyes and see that it's afternoon already. Of course, Melony was cuddled up next to you, still sleeping soundly. You will never get tired of the sight of waking up to see her cuddled up next to you. You kiss her forehead and free yourself from her grasp, getting ready for the day.

Once you got ready, you walk outside and decide to go see if the others are at the castle. As you walk your way there, you notice how unusually quiet it is today. Usually people would be out right about now, but everywhere looked deserted, as they left in a hurry. Your nerves soon spike up as you see something after walking for a bit: Blood. Lots of blood everywhere. And in those puddles of blood were small chunks of flesh, as if they were ripped straight off a person.

You: (Ok, this is getting a little freaky...)

You hastily walk past the disgusting sight and turn a corner, only to see an even more horrific sight once you do. There were mutilated bodies scattered everywhere, each one having different kinds of mutilation. One had their eyes removed completely, another had their limbs ripped off. You nearly vomit upon seeing one that had been gutted, having their rib cage and entrails exposed for the outside world to see.

You quickly walk past the body and discover another one hanging from a tree, gently swaying back and forth. Some of their intestines and other body parts were loosely hanging out from the giant wound that was inflicted on the person. Most disturbing of all, however, was that the victim was hung with one of their own intestines, as if someone ripped it out of their body, choked them to death with it before hanging their lifeless corpse onto a tree with it for the whole world to see.

You: (Wh-what the hell is this?! Is this a nightmare?!)

???: There he is!

You turn around and see a giant mob of people and oh boy, were they pissed.

Koopa: That's the monster that caused all of this right there! GET HIM!!!

They charge at you with their weapons drawn and you decide to just make a run for it. After a little while, you manage to lose them by hiding in a nearby alleyway, panting heavily as you see them charge past you.

You: (W-what the hell is going on?! Why do they think I did this?!)

You think about this as you catch your breath. Eventually, your eyes widen upon thinking who might have caused all this.

You: (D-did Fleetway get out? Did he cause all of this?!)

You were convinced that this was Fleetway's work, having he was the only one capable of causing all these brutal deaths and he looked like you.

My Melon Girl (Melony x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now