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(This is a short filler chapter. Just thought I'd let you know)

Melony woke up in the middle of the night to see you missing from the bed. Confused, she got up and left the bedroom to see you standing on the balcony, looking up at the night sky.

Melony: (Y/N)?

You tense up and turn around to look at your girlfriend.

You: Oh hey Melony.

Melony: Are you ok?

You: I'm fine Melony, I just...needed some fresh air, that's all.

Melony: Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything if anything's bothering you.

You: I'm fine Melony. Really.

Melony: Ok, if you say so...

She walks back into the bedroom as you turn back around to look at the night sky again and sigh.

You: (I can't let her know I had nightmare about him tonight... I can't let anyone know it's getting harder to contain him with each and every passing day...)


The next day at the castle, Melony was very worried now. You wouldn't answer to anything, wouldn't interact with any of your friends, and just continued to space out. Of course, Melony was not the only one who noticed your odd behavior.

Mario: (Y/N)? Are you ok?

You didn't answer him and just stare off into space.

Meggy: (Y/N)?

You still didn't answer and continued to space out.

Luigi: (Y/N) please answer us! Are you ok?!

SMG4: C'mon man, answer us. Are you alright?

You finally snap out of it and answer them.

You: Y-yeah guys, I'm fine. I just...need to have some alone time right now. Please...

You walk out of the castle, causing everyone to exchange worried glances at one another.

Boopkins: Aw man, I wonder what's bothering him?

SMG4: I dunno, but it's not anything good and it's causing me to worry. Hey Melony? Can go after him just to make sure he's alright?

Melony nods and walks out the castle after you, leaving the others behind to wonder what is possibly going on with worried looks on their faces.


You walk far enough away from the castle to deal with the problem yourself. You sigh and look up at the sky in sorrow. You hold your head in pain as you sweat profusely. Unbeknownst to you, Melony was watching you from afar. To try to cope with the pain, you try to sing a song.

After the song, Melony approaches you.

Melony: (Y/N)?

You jump in surprise upon hearing her voice.

You: M-Melony?!

Melony: (Y/N)...I knew you weren't fine. Why didn't you tell me about this?

You: I-I didn't want you to worry and...

You start to tear up as you try to force your words out.

You: I'm scared Melony. I'm scared that Fleetway is going to hurt you and my friends. You guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I...I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you.

Melony: (Y/N) won't lose me, I promise. I love you and I want to help you. I'm your girlfriend right? And as your girlfriend, it's my job to help you through any situation. You'd do the same for me.

You look at her before pulling her into a kiss, which surprises her for a second before she kisses you back. Eventually, you pull away and look into her eyes.

You: I love you Melony. Thank you for being here for me.

Melony: I love you too (Y/N). And I'll do anything for you.

You both pull each other into another kiss as your worries are pushed away, at least for now. Who knows when the next time he'll come back to torment you, but you know you'll be ready for it. With Melony, you feel like you could accomplish anything. And that's exactly what you'll do. Stopping Fleetway once and for all. Boy, wouldn't that be nice?

My Melon Girl (Melony x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now