Mario Goes to College

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A taxi stops outside Omnia Academy as Meggy and Melony, in their new outfits, step out of it and look at the college they'll be attending.

Meggy: I can't believe we're finally here! OMNIA ACADEMY! Our first day as official college students is here!

They enter the building and are greeted by the sight of busy students in the lobby and hallways. Some of them are trying to get people to join their clubs.

Box Leader: This is a box.

Solider: DEAR GOD...

Melony: So coool!

Meggy: *holding a map of the building* Ok, let's find your classroom first Melony. I think it's just down this hall.

They begin to walk down the hall where Melony's classroom is. Melony is amazed by the sight of the college while Meggy is reading something on the map.

Meggy: So this says: "Omnia Academy is a college that teaches anything you can think of."

They walk by multiple classrooms where students are learning how to do something.

Hank Hill: I'm gonna be the next hokage. *naruto runs out the window*

Falco: Press the A button to punch.

A student writes it down before looking up and seeing Falco explaining stuff really fast.

Student: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey HEY HEY-

Meggy: Classes, better known as Clubs, can be started and taught by anyone. They however have a minimum student requirement...

Box Leader: Let us show our love to the almighty box!

The Box Club members all hug the box except for one member, who humps it instead.

Box Leader: Damnit Jerry!

Meggy: Ok, I think we're here Melony. The Power Club.

They look inside to see Goku and Kermit about to fight each other.

Kermit: Alright, time to see how far your training has come! *goes super saiyan* BEHOLD! THE POWERS OF A FROG COMBINED WITH COCAINE!

He gets knocked out of the classroom.

Meggy: Yep this looks like your class alright.

Kermit: M'ladies. *rushes back into the classroom*

Meggy: Good luck! I'm gonna head to my class now. Time to go and fulfill MY destiny!

Bob: WoW, tHiS PlAcE Is pOoP A StInKeR!

Meggy turns around and sees Luigi, Boopkins, and Bob were at the college too.

Boopkins: Meggy! Hello!

Meggy: WHAAAT?! What are you guys doing here? You guys didn't even take the exam!

Luigi: Technically I did.

Meggy: *hushes at Luigi*

Boopkins: *pulls out poster* We're part of the special kids program!

Meggy: *eye twitches* What classes are you even taking?

Boopkins: I'm doing a Human Resources course! I want to get better at helping people!

Bob: I'M TaKiNg cUsToMeR SeRvIcEs sO I CaN ExPlOiT- eR I MeAn aLsO HeLp pEoPlE At mY HoTeL BuSiNeSs.

Luigi: And I'm doing meditation!

Melony: Yay! We have more friends! *hugs Boopkins then gets an idea* Boopkins, can you get (Y/N) to enroll too?

Boopkins: Oh sure! I can ask him later!

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