Into the Dark Web

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SMG4: A long time ago, I was sent to this world in a USB pod. Not remembering anything about who I am, I've searched for answers. Throughout my adventures, I made a huge discovery: The existence of an SMG1 and an SMG2. They supposedly arrived here in their own USB. Before sacrificing themselves, they gave one last request.

SMG2: We have a guardian pod too! Find it! It'll explain everything!!!

SMG4: So now... I have to find 1 and 2's USB.

Mario: ...The hell you talking about boi?

SMG4: *facepalms* UGH. Anyway, we have no idea where their USB is, but I know where mine is!

Mario: *wearing a sombrero* Mexico.

SMG4: *punches sombrero off of Mario* What? No! The Dark Web! Don't you remember? We pushed it down there years ago!

Mario: Okie dokie, so let's go get it dumbass.

SMG4: We'll need a degenerate who spends their time on the Dark Web to guide us.

Bob: Oi u wOt m8?

SMG4: Bob! You're completely useless to society! PERFECT! You can help us!

Bob: WoW, fIrSt oF AlL, fUcK YoU. sEcOnDlY, hElL YeAh! ThE DaRk wEb iS WhErE AlL ThE BiTcHeS ArE At, LiKe mY FaVoRiTe dArK WeB StReAmEr, BuTtEr bIrDo! *shows livestream of Butter Birdo to them*

SMG4: *vomits everywhere*

Mario: Mario's dick feels funny.

Bob: DuMbAsSeS On tHe dArK WeB EnCrYpT ThE GoOd sHiT ThOuGh. We nEeD A HaCkEr sO I CaN GeT My fEeT PiCs.

Everyone then turns their heads to Melony, who's currently playing with some toys. She stops playing when she spots SMG4, Mario, and Bob looking at her with weird looks on their face.

 She stops playing when she spots SMG4, Mario, and Bob looking at her with weird looks on their face

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Bob: HeY MeLoNy, WaNnA Go sOmEwHeRe sUpEr cOoL?

Melony: Yay!

Axol: Not gonna work...

Everyone turns to look at Axol and you on the couch. Axol was watching some anime on the TV and you were watching Melony play with her toys, wondering what the hell she was even doing.

Axol: If Melony sees any of the crap in the dark web...

You: She's gonna be traumatized and freeze up.

SMG4: What? But she literally has the powers of a god!

Axol: Yeah, but she has the innocence of a 5 year old. (Y/N)'s relatedly under the same boat. He also has powers of a godlike being, but Fleetway is completely uncontrollable and should not be trusted!

Melony: *continues playing with her toys until she realizes what Axol said and stands up and faces him with an angry look* No! *points to herself* Have confidence!

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