003: danger games

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THE TRIO was now all inside a cargo plane with Dr Minyak and his two goons. Captain Man was trapped inside a transparent box, playing a video game called 'Sky Whale', not caring about Dr Minyak's plan.

      Kid Danger and Danger Girl both came out of their hiding spots and both Danger Girl and Kid Danger were playing Sky Whale on their phones.

       "Now, do you see that glowing orb?" Dr Minyak asked Captain Man, pointing at the neon green, pink and purple colored orb.

      "Oh, yeah! Here we go!" Captain Man laughed, still focusing on the game.

      "Do you see my glowing orb? That's a plasma tonic bomb sphere!"

    Captain Man nodded. "Great."

     "Now, directly stare at my screen." Dr Minyak turned on the flat screen tv to explain his plan. As the evil man was explaining his plan, wanting to drop Captain Man into the Swellview Dam. The two sidekicks snuck up behind Dr Minyak's goons and zapped them unconscious.

      "So, too bad for you Captain M—" Dr Minyak turned around to the sidekicks. "Kid Danger, Danger Girl!"

"What's up?"
"How you doing?"

     Then Kid Danger zapped the lock of the transparent box that Captain Man was stuck inside. Dr Minyak noticed his unconscious goons. "What did you do to my goons?" He asked. "Robert, Trevor, wake up! We're almost over the dam!"

Captain Man got out of the box. "Hey." He greeted which they returned back.

Kid Danger showed him his phone. "Look, I almost broke 5,000." Referring to his record on Sky Whale.

      "Well, check out your buddy who's about to break 6,000!"

Danger Girl sent them an amused look and showed them her phone. "Really, 'cause I'm about to break 7,000–"

      "Shut up!" Dr Minyak exclaimed. "You will not chat about some silly mobile game while I'm talking about my dam plan!"

      "Your plan is over, Minyak!" Captain Man yelled.

       "I think not! Billy, Jean, King!" Minyak called out for some people from the back of the plane. Then three big scary looking people came out but that didn't scare the trio. "Billy, how about you help Captain Man and the Dangers to set their phones to airplane mode!"

       Billy creepily smiled at them, showing his golden fake teeth as he took their phones.

"Uh. . ."
"Excuse me?"
"That is not your property."

       The man used his strength and crushed their phones into pieces making Danger Girl's jaw dropped wide opened.

      "You didn't have to do that!"
  "You could've asked us to put it away!"
"Airplane mode was under settings!"

      "Hey, can you spell fist?" Captain Man asked and when Billy tried to spell the word, the superhero punched him in the face.

       Suddenly they heard an alarm going off and the back of the plane had opened, meaning that the trio could escape.

       "Get them!" Minyak ordered and they all rushed over to fight them.

      Danger Girl did a round off backhand spring which ended up kicking the man she was fighting in the face. Before the man could get back onto his feet, she whacked him with a blue briefcase which made him hold his nose in pain.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now