019: up the stairs

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CHARLOTTE was down in the Man Cave by herself that until the trio who were dressed as their aliases came down the tubes.

"Hey guys," She greeted them. "You guys are back here already? What happen out there?"

"What do you mean?"
"We went Inside Out Burger."

"Did you guys not get my text messages?"

"Text messages. . ." The three went to check their phones with their voices overlapping each other as they walked past the girl.

Charlotte let out a groan. "I texted you guys because I got a call on the Emergency Hotline from Swellview Airport."

"What now, did someone tried to steal someone's first class seats again?" Thea asked.

"No, some five year old child climbed into the cockpit of a big jet airplane and drove it all the way to Toy Plus!"

The trio checked their phones again to see that Charlotte indeed texted them. So, they all read aloud in unison: why aren't you responding, hello?"

"Just forget it," Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Can you give me an Inside Out Double?" She asked Ray.

Henry went to sit down on the couch and snaked his arms around Thea's waist to make her to sit down on his lap.

"Oh, uh, I actually only got one of these and I was gonna eat it, so. . ." Ray pulled out the hamburger yet Charlotte blew a raspberry onto the delicious food earning chuckles from Henry and Thea. The man sent the curly haired girl a deadpanned look. "Here I got you this."

"Thanks." Charlotte smirked as Ray handed her the hamburger.

Thea pretended to wipe fake tears. "I taught her so well."

Suddenly Schwoz walked into the room, singing to himself and was greeted by Henry. "Oh, you guys got Inside-Out-Be-urger!"

"Burger." Henry corrected.


"You said - you said. . .be-be-urger or something like that, it's pronounced 'burger'."

Schwoz kept on trying to pronounce the word but Henry kept on correcting him. Then Henry eventually gave up. "Nailed it."


    "Hey what is that?" Charlotte asked Schwoz.

"Oh, I'm optimizing the power consumption here in the Man Cove."

      "Cave, Man Cave." Henry corrected.

      Before Schwoz could say something Charlotte cut him off. "No, we're not doing that again."

Thea rested her head onto Henry's shoulder. "Yeah, stop correcting him." She whispered. In response, Henry tickled on the side of her stomach causing for her to let out a small giggle as she pushed his hand away.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now