020: jasper knows. . .

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                       IN THE SCHOOL HALLS, Thea came out of the classroom with one strap of her purple backpack slung on her shoulder. The girl was softly humming to herself before abruptly halting in her tracks when she noticed Caden standing in the corner of his locker with his large friend group.

         The girl was about to turn around and head to the opposite when she spotted her boyfriend but unfortunately Caden called her name. Thea could of kept walking if Caden didn't ran after her and gently grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving.

       "Hey Thea." Caden greeted and glanced back at his friends who gave him a nod of encouragement.

     The Wilde girl raised her eyebrows. "Hey Thea, is that all you gonna say?" She inquired.

     "I mean. . .what's up?" Thea's glare hardened in response making the boy give in. "Alright, I'm really sorry what happened last night. Whatever you heard, I didn't mean it."

       "You sure? Because you sounded pretty clear to me." Last night, Thea was on FaceTiming her boyfriend for the past hour until she heard one of his friends came into the scene and begging Caden to hang up the phone to go see a Dirt Bike race with a couple of girls from their grade. Unknowingly, Caden told them that he would make up some excuse cause how easy it was to trick Thea. Out of rage, she hung up on him and hasn't answered any of his calls and texts all last night.

      "Are you mad cause you wanted to come?"

        "No, I'm mad that you make up excuses not to hang out with me instead of telling me the truth!" She argued. The thing is, Thea makes up excuses as well but only if it was work related.

       "Look if you're on edge cause if those girls were there then you shouldn't. . .well, the school's sophomore cheerleaders—Pamela, Montana and Dakota were all over me but you were on my mind," He proudly stated with his charming smile. "Most of the time. . ."

       Thea blinked in disbelief at her boyfriend and decided to walk past him. "Thea?" He started but the girl simply ignored him and walked over to Charlotte and Jasper who were at the lockers. "Uh. . .are we still hangin' out tonight?" He called out.

       "Nope!" She shouted back and approached Charlotte and Jasper. "Hey guys."

"Hi, Thea."

      Charlotte furrowed her brows. "Uh, is Caden okay?" She asked. Thea briefly glanced behind her shoulder to see her boyfriend was standing with his friends, trying to get her attention by giving him the puppy dog eyes.

        Thea rolled her eyes and turned back to her friends. "He's just being a Caden." She dismissed.

         Then Henry walked up to them. "Sup peoples." he greeted them.

"Oh, hey Hen."
"Hey Henry!"

     "Hey, are you doing anything after school?" Henry asked Jasper.

"Yeah, I'm working on my black belt." Jasper told and Thea furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're a black belt?" Charlotte questioned.

   "Yeah, I didn't know that you were taking karate." Henry said.

      "Yeah, how come you never told us?" Thea asked the boy, leaning against the lockers.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now