018: deals with magic coins

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TODAY was the day that Thea had been counting down on her calendar for the past 10 years. Today was the day where she would be the eldest in the house. Today was the day where Ethan was graduating from highschool and will be leaving the house for Stanford University to study law. And Thea couldn't be beyond excited.

"—those footprints are made for walking forward not walking backwards. Congratulations Class 2017, now let's get out there and walk!" Ethan read aloud his valedictorian speech for the 25th time.

           Thea rolled her eyes as she was walking down the stairs with Charlotte behind after finish studying for their History test — well, Charlotte did. Thea was zoned out. "Great speech, Ethan. Seriously, I'd just love hearing it for the past 25 times." She spoke in sarcasm.

"You're valedictorian, right?" Charlotte asked.

Ethan proudly smiled. "Yup. The student with the highest grades and achievements —"

Thea interrupted him. "She asked are you valedictorian, not the definition." She rolled her eyes before the two girls sat down.

"Why are you so moodier than usual?"

      Before she could respond Charlotte beat her to it. "We have a history test on Monday and Thea can't miss it because the school got a tip from someone that she hadn't taken a test for the past 5 months."

"Yeah. I wonder who could possibly do that?" Thea said in a blank tone and pointed at Charlotte when the girl wasn't looking.

"How did you get away with that?" Ethan asked.

"Because I'm Thea Wilde. I get away with anything. Plus I can study later cause Dad and I are hanging out for the whole day."

"How come?" Charlotte asked.

"We have our monthly Father/ Daughter Day Out and this month we're going to Fweezy Queen." She added with a huge grin. "Eating so much slushees until we get brain freeze and get kicked out of the store for asking for more refills."

Ethan let out a sigh and went back to reading his speech. "Morning, ladies and gentlemen of my soon to be former classmates. We are gathered here in Swellview Academy—"

    Thea interrupted him. "Ethan, I think you should use my speech instead. It goes like this. . .later losers." She threw a peace sign.

Just then Lisa and Atticus entered the home with big smiles on their faces.

"There's our dashing boy!"
"Our graduating son!"

"We're throwing a big graduation party where all your families and friends are invited." Lisa informed.

      "Even Grandpa Fizz?" Ethan asked and the two hesitantly nodded. The four out of five Wilde members shivered in unison.

      "And we got you a graduation gift." Lisa handed him a wrapped present.

      Ethan smiled. "Thanks, Mom and Dad. But shouldn't you give me after I graduate?"

      Atticus waved him off. "Don't be silly, son. You're the only one of our kids we know for sure is going to graduate."

They all looked at Thea who was mindlessly playing with her fingers with a innocent smile.

Ethan opened the box and a loud gasp escaped from his lips. "You guys got me the limited edition Pear Phone GX!" He beamed and Thea glanced over her shoulder to see him held up a red Pear Phone.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now