001: good charlotte gone bad

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         Down in the Man Cave, Thea and her best friend, Charlotte was sorting through the letters that Captain Man, Kid Danger and Danger Girl had received from their fans.

         It had been almost a year since Thea and Henry were hired for a job here at Junk N Stuff by their boss, Ray who is really their local superhero, Captain Man.

      Nothing really change much. Well, nobody have seen Gooch for months now and they don't even know where he was. And to be honest, Thea didn't really care.

    Schwoz came out of the elevator with a big sack that consisted letters that were written by their fans, "Hey! Here's another sack!" He announced.

   Thea let out a small squeal as she clapped her hands together in excitement, "I love fanmail!" She tossed the letters that was written to Captain Man or Kid Danger aside. But she quite harshly ripped opened the envelope when she found one written to her. "Dear Danger Girl. You're amazing and I'm a huge fan of you. PS, Here's my number," She read aloud to them before pulling out a picture of a cute boy, posing in the photo, "Ooh, he's kinda cute."

     Charlotte arched an eyebrow who was sitting across from the girl, "I swear like 20 other guys that wrote you the same thing."

        Thea waved her off, "I know but I'd said he's cute. That doesn't mean I'm actually gonna call any of them." She reassured her.

     Then Ray came down from the stairs and was holding an egg and that has to be the biggest egg that Thea had ever seen in her life, "Schwoz, I found another one of your diseased eggs in my tanning bed!" He spoke.

    Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows, "Tanning bed?" She questioned as Thea shivered at the thought of Ray tanning in his tanning bed.

    "He's not diseased. . .yet." Schwoz informed as the two girls watched Ray sniffed the egg.

     "What are you guys talking about?" Thea asked.

  "Schwoz got his jollies by blasting eggs with all kinds of weird radiation so he can see what happens when they hatch." Ray explained.

   "It's fun to create mutants." Schwoz smiled.

    "It must've been really fun for your Mom." Ray remarked and Thea and Charlotte let out 'ooo's from that burn.

    Thea laughed, "That's a burn about to burn. That's a 2nd degree burn!" She exclaimed.

     "Hey!" Schwoz shouted, offended from that joke before Ray had tossed the egg which he caught in his hands.

"I want that egg off this property." Ray stated.

    Suddenly Henry came out from the other room where they usually keep their weapons, "Hey, you guys," Everyone turned to him and Thea had noticed the boy was holding a bottle of whip cream. "Somebody left this can of whip cream in the weapon room."

   Schwoz rushed over to Henry and snatched the whip cream bottle from him, "Be careful with this!" He warned.

"Why?" Henry asked.

      Schwoz smirked, "I'll show you. . .Ray!" He called and when Ray turned around, the small man had fired a laser from the whip cream at Ray's shirt. Ray then yelled in pain as everyone else was laughing at at his now burnt shirt.

"Dang it, Schwoz!" Ray yelled.

"Relax, you're indestructible." Charlotte assured him and Thea nodded.

"Yeah, you don't need to be so dramatic." Thea added as she got up from the couch.

"Yeah, well, my shirt wasn't!" Ray shouted, "And I have the right to be dramatic!"

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