015: green fingers

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          THEA CAME DOWN TO THE MAN CAVE feeling absolutely terrible. She has been feeling this way all night and she had taken pretty much all the medication in her house but this sickness was still not going away.

     The half Asian girl came out of the elevator in her unicorn onesie and had a big jug of ginger tea in her hand."I hate this!" She declared as she stormed up to Henry and Charlotte. "I hate my life right now!"

      Henry laughed and flicked the unicorn horn of her onesie. "Cute onesie."

    "I'm only wearing this to keep myself warm. If you didn't know—I'm sick."

"Oh, Charlotte, my family and I are sick too."

"Is that the reason why you have that big jug of ginger tea?" Charlotte asked.

     Thea nodded. "I've been drinking this since 4am 'cause of this sickness."

      Then Schwoz came into the Man Cave with a plate of cupcakes. "Hey everybody!" He greeted which everyone returned back. "Since it's Saturday morning, look what I bought! Cupcakes!"

   Thea sniffled. "Thanks, Schwoz."

     "Hey Henry. Grab me one, would ya?" Jasper asked, holding a paint palette when Ray was painting a head sculpture of Captain Man.

      "Uh, yeah." Henry went to reach for one but Schwoz freaked out making him drop the entire plate of cupcakes on the floor and then backed away from Henry.

   "Dang it, Schwoz!" Ray yelled.

  "The cupcakes!" Jasper groaned.

    Schwoz ran away from them and then spun around. "Everything's fine." He said in a frantic tone before he left the Man Cave.

"What's going on with him?" Ray asked.

"I don't know. He's acting kinda—" Henry paused to cover his mouth to let out a cough while Thea let out a sneeze.

     Ray groaned. "Am I gonna listen to that all day?"

      Thea furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay, you're the one who—" She then let out a loud sneeze which made her drop her jug of ginger tea and the glass shattered all over the floor. She winced and slowly looked up at Ray "Oops."


    "It was an accident!" She defended before she let out a loud cough. "I'll go get some tissues." She then mumbled.

  "Jasper, how are you feeling?" Henry asked as he grabbed a box of Charlotte's tissues and handed some to Thea then he helped her cleaned the stained floor.

  "Great. Just getting a little tired holding these paints." Jasper told and then Ray told him to hold the paint palette higher.

     Schwoz came back with gloves and a weird mask. "Hello, so, uh, did anyone recently go into my science laboratory?" He asked. When Henry and Thea finished cleaning up, the girl took the tissues from his hand and threw it in the trash can beside Charlotte.

"Well, yeah." Charlotte said.

"You sent me, Charlotte, Thea and Jasper there on Thursday." Henry said.

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