006: back to danger

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        IN THE MAN CAVE, Henry came down the tubes after getting some batteries for Ray's vibrating soap. However, Schwoz came out running with some popcorn, shoving Henry out of the way as he was planning to watch the Dog Judge with the others.

         As Ray and Henry was arguing about the type of batteries that Henry had got him, Thea had got some Sour Patch Kids from the Auto Snacker. Henry had given up on him and plopped onto the couch and Thea had made her way over there and sat down beside him.

      "Look, Dog Judge!" Charlotte announced and Ray had sat down on the couch, sitting in between Thea and Henry.

      As they were watching their favorite show, all of a sudden there was breaking news.

"Hey I'm Trent Overunder and Mary is out sick today."

"Uh, I'm right here—"

"Breaking news, the Swellview Clock tower is ten seconds fast. Since it's impossible to adjust the clock, Vice Mayor Willer had decided to shut down the power in Swellview for exactly ten seconds and then turn it back on."

"Wow, tick tock about a great idea."

      "They're shutting down the power to this whole city?"

      "We live in this city!" Henry added.

      "Yeah, I think we all know that." Thea commented with an eye roll.

"Now, we want to give you plenty of warning before the power goes out but—" Then all of a sudden, the power had shut off and the whole room went to complete darkness.

     "Ow, what's touching my neck?!" Thea heard Henry shouted and then heard a familiar giggle. "Schwoz!"

    A moment later, the power had switched back on and the alarm system started to go off. "Oh my god!" Ray shouted.

     "What?" Charlotte asked.

       "When the electricity went out, Drex's containment unit lost power!"

"You mean he's—"
"Drex is Free?!" Thea shouted.
"Dude, you sent Jasper down there to get batteries for your dumb vibrating soap!"

       "Well, I had to because you got the wrong batteries!"

      "Why would anyone want their soap to vibrate?!"

     "It tells my body dirt that I mean bidness!"

      "Uh, hello, we need to go and help out Jasper!" Thea stressed in a desperate tone.

The trio rushed over to the tubes. "Down the tubes!" They all said in unison and headed down to the containment facility.

      After arriving to their destination, the first thing they saw was Jasper tied up with duct tape over his mouth. Henry and Thea began walking over to their friend but Ray held them back.

       Thea's eyes widened at the person who was standing in front of her. "Oh, look. It's Ray, Henry and Thea." Drex spoke.

      "You're not going anywhere Drex!" Ray yelled. "There's three of us and one of you!"

      "Oh no!" Drex gasped acting as if he was scared. "Then, I guess you have me trapped here!" He rushed over to the Time Jerker's time portal.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now