015: captain mankini

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            KID DANGER AND DANGER GIRL went down the tubes into the Man Cave after sending two criminals inside sacks before them.

The teens walked down the steps as Captain Man dragged the heavy sacks. "Come on, help me get 'em out of these things."

      Danger Girl went to help Captain Man with the one of the sacks while Kid Danger did the other one. The sacks revealed then to be Frankini and Gommer.

    Frankini turned around. "Captain Man, Kid Danger, Danger Girl?"

    "And I'm Gommer." The tall man smiled.

       Frankini rolled his eyes. "I know who you are," He then glanced around his surroundings. "Where are we, and what is this place?"

       "Looks like we're inside the nose of a gigantic robot."

       "He's not wrong though." Thea chimed in, just realizing that the Man Caves does looks like the inside nose of a gigantic robot.

        "No, you're in the Man Cave." Henry corrected.

      "We got you out of jail and brought you here because. . ." Ray paused. "We want your help."

  Frankini approached them. "Oh. . .well, want me to help you lose a few pounds, get you into shape?"

      "You just push the wrong button!" Ray was about to lunge at the man but Thea and Henry pushed him back while Frankini jumped into Gommer's arms.

"You good?"
Thea and Henry said as they pushed Ray away from the criminals.

      "Now listen! We brought you here. . .'cause we want your help catching a criminal." Henry informed.

     "Oh, well, what criminal?" Frankini asked as he jumped out of Gommer's arms.

Ray pointed the remote at the screen. "Go Bro!" An image of a man around his twenties shown up on screen.

      "Oh, I know Go Bro."

  Thea sent him a deadpanned look. "Yeah, we know that you know Go-Bro."

     "Who's Go-Bro?" Gommer inquired. "Does he have a yo-yo?"

"No." Henry answered.
"Does he eat Fro-yo?"
"No." Thea then answered.
"Is his dog named Toto?"
"What is the matter with you?!" Ray snapped.
"Doctor says that I don't have to tell you that."

      "Go-Bro is this guy who makes super dangerous videos and post them online so he can get millions of views." Frankini explained.

      "That's right," Ray agreed. "But this time, Go-Bro's gone too far."

      "Look, what've he posted yesterday." Henry nodded and Ray pointed his remote at the screen to show an image of Henry's mother.

"Dude, is that my mom?"
"Why do you have a picture of her?"

       "Oh, that's actually my personal file. . ." Ray changed it to the video while Henry stared at his boss, creeped out that he has a picture of his mom. Thea held her boyfriend's hand, telling him that he can worry about that later.

     The video was basically Go-Bro announced he found an random old lady at the train station so he can put her inside a ride that will be going 95 miles per hour.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now