012: diamonds are for heather

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VERY LATE AT NIGHT, Thea was found in her bedroom fast asleep and was snuggled up to her collection of stuff animals.

Unfortunately, her slumber was rudely interrupted when she heard an emergency call coming from her Whiz Watch. Shooting up from her bed, she rubbed her tired eyes then looking down at her watch to see that something terrible just happened.

         The girl began to panic and almost fell off her bed before slipping her feet inside her pink monster claw slippers. She sported a pink floral print camisole, blue butterflies printed pajama pants with her dark hair tied up into a high bun.

Quietly and slowly, she slid up her window before climbing out of her room to head to Junk N Stuff as fast as she can.

  About 20 minutes later, the girl stormed out of the elevator to find the rest of her friends all waiting around. "Okay, what the fudge is going on?!"

      "I don't know!" Henry replied.

      "Where's Ray?" Charlotte asked.

      "He gotta be around here somewhere!" Jasper said and all of them started looking for the man, all of them shouted his name. Not long after, he came into the room with an apron and a platter.

     "Who wants a snack?" Ray happily asked.

     "What?" Henry exclaimed.

     "Who wants a snack?" He repeated.


    "Let us," Charlotte reassured the boy and her and Thea approached the man. "Hey!"

     "Hey!" He yelled back, matching her energy.

  "Do you know that it's ten after midnight, and if you aren't aware of this but some people have to get at least 8 hours sleep in order to function in the morning?!" Thea yelled and she shoved her phone right up in Ray's face.


     "Well, why did you send us all doomsday signals?!" Charlotte inquired

   "Cause I wanted to make sure all of guys come over."


    "You told us that doomsday signal are only for a major crisis." Henry told.

    "We thought something bad happened to you." Thea said She regretted coming down here now she can't go back and find out what happened in her dream. Just when she was about to be crowned Princess Of Candyland, Ray just had to call her about some stupid snack he'd made!

     "Yeah, life or death situation!" Charlotte finished.

     "Well, you are gonna die. . ." Ray started his sentence and the rest of them let out panic screams. "When you try my new recipe for. . ." He removed the top of the plate. "Captain Corn Dogs!"

      "Captain Corn Dogs?" Henry asked in disbelief.


     "So, you called us all here just to try your new Captain Corn Dogs?" Jasper asked.

    Ray nodded. "Uh - yeah."

     Thea rubbed the temples of her head. "Oh my God, Oh my God! Why did you call us for this?!"

     "This is not a life or death situation!" Charlotte scolded.

     "Yeah, it is." Henry spoke up earning a look from Thea.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now