018: goodbye thea

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ABOUT 3 DAYS AGO, it was the year where Henry and Thea was hired by Ray to work at Junk N Stuff whilst being his sidekicks 'The Dangers'. The Wilde girl love being a sidekick because she gets to spend time with her best friends and work undercover as a shopkeeper upstairs.

It also had been a year since Thea got expelled from her private school, 'Swellview Academy' for the graffiti stunt which she actually does not regret. If she didn't pull that stunt, she wouldn't be where she is today.

It was around 7 o'clock and Thea came back home after attending a mission with Henry and Ray where they'd saved a little girl from almost falling into the dolphin tank at one of Seaworld's live performances.

What the girl didn't expect is to see her parents standing at the living room and they looked like they wanted to tell her something.

Atticus turned around. "Theodora, your mother and I want to talk to you."

Thea's eyes widened. "Uh. . .whatever happened last night. It was all Ethan's fault!" She accused. "He's the eldest and he was suppose to talk me out of that party—"

Lisa interrupted her. "No, no, we weren't talking about that," Then she furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, you had a party?!" She then raised her voice at the girl.

Thea let out an awkward chuckle. "No. I've never said that."

"I think you did."
"I heard her said she threw a party."

"Just forget about the party!" She cut them off before she walked over to them. "What is so important? You're not having a baby, aren't you?" She questioned them.

Atticus shook his head. "No baby," He looked at his wife. "No baby. Right?" He asked for confirmation.

Lisa nodded. "No baby," Atticus let out a breath of relief. "Remember when you got expelled from your private school?"

"For spray panting the walls of the school of mocking images of all of the teachers that hated me, made most of them cry and went to therapy, also got fined $1, 900 and was forced to work in a Junk Store? Yeah, how could I forget?" Sarcasm laced in her tone.

"Well, it was to teach you a lesson about responsibility and saving up money. Because. . .you are able to pay the fine!"

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now