001: the secret room

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           CAPTAIN MAN and The Dangers came down the tubes to enter the Man Cave after finishing their mission with them being covered in ash. But as they walked down the stairs, they bumped into a hanging line of underwear making Henry fall onto a cushions and someone's underwear landing on Thea's face.

        "Who are these weird looking freaks?!" Ray shouted, pointing at kids who all had beards on their faces and were running around the place.

        "These are my family." Schwoz replied and Thea looked over to see Whitney galloping around in a circle whilst neighing like a horse.

      "A kid has a beard." Henry pointed out.

       "Yeah, so cute," Schwoz smiled in awe at his nephew. "Zed's baby beard hasn't fallen out yet. When it does the beard fairy will come —"

      Thea interrupted him. "Your family's culture really confuse me." She commented.

       "As much as I love having your family being here. . .I hate it!" Ray suddenly exclaimed. "So, everybody out!" He loudly demanded.

      "But I'd ask you if they can come and visit here for a week and you said," Schwoz started before he spoke in an American accent. "Yeah, sure. whatever, Schwoz."

  Thea impressively smiled. "That was a good American accent." She high five the man.

   Henry turned to Ray. "Dude, did you say that?"

    "I didn't!"

   "Yeah, you did!" Schwoz protested. "I ask you three months ago because you can't think that far ahead so you can just say yes to everything!"

     "That is so not true!"

        "Hey, can Jasper and I get raises in 3 months?" Charlotte chimed in.

        Ray dismissed her. "Yeah, sure. Whatever, that's couple of years away." Thea rolled her eyes.

Charlotte and Jasper said.

      "Look, let's just get some churros." Henry sighed and he walked past them to head towards the Auto Snacker.

     "I want some churros!" Thea happily beamed and followed after him.

     "Sure, churros fix everything." Ray shrugged and went to join them.

   Henry placed his hand on the machine. "One churros—three churros."

"No churros available."

       "What did you say?" Ray inquired.

"Did I stutter?" The machine sassily snapped back and Thea's eyes widened from its attitude. "No churros available!"

      "Hey, hey. How come the auto snacker out of churros?" Henry asked.

   "Oh. Larry's kids ordered a ton of them." Jasper informed them and the trio looked at the pile of churros on the floor.

        Thea clenched her fists. "It's official. I hate children." She grumbled.

       "WHAT, oh come on! We just got back from saving the city from Arson boy! And can't even get a churro. Can't even get a churro!" Henry let out a loud painful scream when Zed ran up to him and whacked him on the butt before running away and looked at Thea in disbelief when she began to laugh at him but covered it with a fake cough when she met his deadpanned look.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now