007: jasper danger

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At Friday afternoon, Thea strolled into class with her apple juice box and she noticed Henry and Charlotte at the door, both of them staring at Jasper who was talking Monica, this girl from their class that Jasper has a big crush on.

"It's not funny. He's lying to her and now she got dirty lips." Charlotte mumbled.

"What's not funny, who's lying to who and who got dirty lips?" Thea questioned.

"Jasper's lying to Monica, saying that he's Kid Danger so that she would go out with him." Charlotte informed.

"Aw. That's cute but also sad once she finds out. . ." Thea cooed before a random boy walked up to the girl to hand her a cup of coffee. She sent him a smile before he went back to his seat.

Charlotte and Henry exchanged a confused glance from what just happened. "Uh. . .why did he gave you a cup of coffee?" Charlotte asked the girl.

"He has a crush on me." Thea merely shrugged and took a sip of her drink.

"Come on," Henry walked away from them and headed over to Jasper and Monica and the two girls followed. "Hey Jasper, what's poopin' it?"

"Henry, Charlotte, Thea. You guys know, Monica?" Jasper pointed at the girl.

"What's up, Monica."
"Hey Monica."

Monica sent them a small wave, "Hi."

"Hey, dude, trick or treating tonight. You still coming with us?" Henry asked.

"It's okay to say no." Charlotte added.

"Yeah, I'm coming," Jasper responded before turning to Monica, "You wanna come trick or treating with us?" He then asked.

Monica smiled, "I'd love to come."

"Cool, just remember a certain Captain might need my help tonight." Jasper whispered as the others all shared an look.

"That's okay, I like Danger." Monica winked.
"And Danger likes you." Jasper flirted back.

"Hey Jasper?" Henry spoke up.

"What?" Jasper asked and Henry placed his finger on his friend's lips and shushed him.

  That night, Thea had arrived at Henry's house in her Halloween costume that she had ordered online a few weeks ago for her favorite holiday.

Thea decided to dress up as Violet Beauregarde from the movie: Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. The girl wore a blond short bob wig that she borrowed from her Grandpa Fizz's closet, a pale blue velour tracksuit and a pair of her white sneakers. Adding a mixture of blue and purple eyeshadow palette onto her nose to complete the final look.

Immediately when Thea arrived to the Harts' household, she swung opened the door with a mischievous look on her face. "Guys, I'm here! Come and check out my outfit!" She voiced.

Charlotte looked up from her phone, "Hey Thea," she greeted and the girl sent her an small wave back. "Love your costume."

Thea smiled and did a small spin, "Thank you. I'm Violet Beauregarde tonight," She said while chewing some gum in her mouth. She then noticed Charlotte's costume which she dressed up as Mac and Cheese. "I like your costume."

Charlotte smiled, "Thank you."

Then Henry came downstairs with his costume which was a zombie but he was wearing a tennis uniform, "Hey, hey. Check me out!" He smiled as he did a small spin for them.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now