005: frittle flavors

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      HENRY AND THEA decided to walk to school together that morning. It had been 2 weeks since Caden and Thea had broke up. The girl was still heartbroken but she felt slightly better for Henry helping her through the way.

The girl had brought her ukulele for todays music class. Once they entered the school building, they see students cheering at two men, one who was wearing red and the other wore blue. Both of them were holding canons.

Henry smiled. "What's going on here —" All of a sudden, a Frittle can came flying towards him and hit him in the face making him fall to the ground.

   Thea's eyes widened. "What the—" She started and an another Frittle can came flying towards her but ended up hitting her ukulele. The girl gasped at the sight of her instrument on the ground and broken into two. "No, no, no. . ." She panicked.

    Henry stood up from the ground. "Okay who shot me in the face," Then he picked up an blue can. "With a frittle can?" He then noticed Thea was bent down on the floor. "Are you okay?"

Thea shook her head and stood up with her broken ukulele in her hand. "A stupid Frittle can broke my ukulele."

Henry took it from her. "I'm sure that we can fix it." He shrugged and tried to put it back together but it ended up crumbling into smaller pieces. "Oops. . ." He sent her a sheepish expression.

"My ukulele is broken," Thea sighed out. "And my parents aren't gonna get me another one. . . ." She informed in a sad expression.

"Oh, stop whining!" Miss Shapen shouted earning an look of disbelief from the teens. "Everyone, turn on the Swellview News!"

Thea tossed her ukulele inside the trashcan before the two teens approached Jasper and Charlotte. Jasper pulled out his Pear Pad to watch the news while Miss Shapen and the two men headed to the teacher's lounge.

    "Thanks Mary. Ragin' Red rhubarb or bodacious Blue Bacon. Which will win the contest and become frittle's official flavor? To explain, let's go live in the Frittle Factory." 

Then the camera cuts to Jack Frittleman who was the owner of the company. "Hi! Oh, keep going? We are giving out free samples of the two new flavors all over Swellview. And next Tuesday, people can go online on Frittle.com and vote for the flavor you think should win."

Jasper clicked the news off and the bell rang, meaning everyone had to get to class. Henry took a chip from his blue can. "Mmm. . .oh, man. This bodacious blue bacon is amazing."

"Yeah, but there's something awesome about the Red Ragin' Rhubarb." Jasper told.

"Char, Thea, what are you guys gonna vote for?" Henry asked.

"Neither. I don't have time to vote for some dump corn chip." Charlotte shrugged.


"Yo!" Henry said. "People died for your right to vote. . . online,"  Charlotte rolled her eyes and walked away. Henry turned to Thea. "Which one are you gonna vote for, Thea?"

"Lemme try," Thea grabbed the blue chip and ate it before she had tried Jasper's. After  swallowing it and thinking about it for a second. She sighed. "Neither. They both taste like my mom's cooking." She walked away.

"Theodora Jane Wilde!"

     "What, can't a girl have an opinion about something without being judged?" She giggled as she went to her locker to get some of her textbooks.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now