009: meet cute crush

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          VALENTINES DAY had to be Thea's favorite holiday beside her birth week. Getting showered with presents from her secret admires but this time, she could care less about them. This year, she wanted to spend her Valentine's Day with her boyfriend, Henry.

        It has been a couple weeks since the two had told their families about them dating and Henry's family was happy for them. Whereas, for Thea's family, their reactions weren't the best.

Zach laughed.
Ethan let out a loud 'WHAT'
Lisa almost passed out.
And Atticus, he dropped his favorite coffee mug.

          You see, Atticus and Lisa were very judgmental people and only allowed certain people in their homes. The only person, they allowed into their home was Charlotte because they can see her as a successful person and saw Jasper and Henry to be the type to be cleaning swimming pools in the future. So, when they go on business trips, Thea sneaks them in.

           After finding out that their only daughter was dating a guy from her school who also worked with her at Junk N Stuff, they were disappointed. But after getting quick advice from Geoffrey, they realized that their daughter's happiness were important and should support who she dated. For now. . .

        "But Dad!" Thea whined out, plopped down on the white sofa. "It's not fair."

       "It is to fair," Atticus said. "You promised me that you will be there. And I need my whole family supporting me."

         Recently, Atticus had been offered this great deal for his Power business that would make him more richer than ever. He'll be hosting a huge party on Saturday night, inviting colleagues, politicians and slight problematic people to his fifth mansion. He wanted his whole family to be there and support him but for Thea, her problem was that she wanted to spend Valentine's Day.

     "But it's Henry and I's first Valentine's Day together and I want to spend it with him."


        "Because he's my boyfriend!" She lightly snapped.

          "Oh, yeah," The father said and letting out a small laugh. "Then you should invite him to the party. Yeah, we can all have dinner together and me and your mother can get to know him better."

           "Really, there's no favor?" She inquired, hoping that he was being legit.

           "No, darling."

           "Thank you, thank you!" Thea lunged to engulfed her father into a warming embracing hug. Attics hugged her back for a brief moment then his phone began to ring which made him release from the hug. "You're not gonna regret it!" She assured.

           "I hope not." Atticus mumbled and went to answer his phone before leaving the room.

             Thea triumphantly smiled now raging with excitement that Henry will be meeting her parents and spending her first Valentine's with him. 

             "You and Henry, huh?" Thea turned her head to Ethan who entered the living room.

             "Since when did you get back from college?"

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now