001: a fiñata full of death bugs

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            IT WAS A NICE SATURDAY morning at Swellview. Thea Wilde was sitting at the couch in the Man, listening to music on her headphones and Henry who sat across from her who was on his Pear Pad.

       Only 2 things had changed for the past couple of days. A couple of days ago, Thea had officially decided to quit eating meat and become a vegetarian instead. Recently Jasper Dunlop, one of Henry and Thea's best friends had found out about their secret identities. . .by accident but Henry thought it would be a great idea if Jasper's mind wouldn't be erased and works with them at Junk N' Stuff with him, Thea and Charlotte.

      "I don't know about this, man. I don't know." Ray spoke as he was pacing around the Man Cave.

     "C'mon, it's gonna be great." Henry reassured Ray, not seeing the big deal here.

       "Oh, that exactly what you said when you talked me into eating one of those woman energy bars . . .then I couldn't stop reading book about princesses and having a discussion about princesses with Thea!"

      "It's true." Thea chimed in.

      "Dude, I've known Jasper my whole life!" Henry said.

     "That does not mean he's qualified enough to have a job here!" Ray argued.

     Henry sighed and looked over at the brunette girl. "Thea, " She looked up when she heard her name being called. "Do you think it's a good idea that Jasper is working here?"

     Thea snickered. "It's gonna be something, alright." She then went back to her music.

      "So, you think it's a good idea?"

       "Yeah, it's a good idea — Jasper's might do something wrong and Ray will get mad at him and I have something to laugh about."

       Henry looked over at Ray. "See! Thea's fine with it."

       "I don't care what Thea thinks!" Ray snapped.

"That shirt doesn't look good on you." The girl told.

     Ray's eyes widened. "Wait, it doesn't!" He started freaking out.

     Then the alarms blared out and Charlotte came down the tubes. "Hey, happy Saturday morning." The girl greeted.

"Hey Charlotte."

      "Maybe you're happy." Ray grumbled and Henry threw his hands up in disbelief.

     "Char, will you tell Ray that Jasper working at Junk N Stuff isn't gonna be a problem?" Henry asked.

     Charlotte raised her hands up in surrender as she walked over to the Auto Snacker Machine. "I can't tell lies before breakfast."

     Henry sat down next to Thea and then handed an energy bar to Ray. "Here you go."

  "What's this?"

  "Lady bar." Henry smirked and Ray let out a shriek then threw the bar across the room. Henry and Thea both looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now