012: broken dangerous arm

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IT HAD BEEN A FEW DAYS since Thea officially moved in with Uncle Fizz. If someone told her about a month ago that she would be living with her Uncle, she'd laugh in their face.

          But here she is, leaving her million dollar mansion to live in a three bedroom apartment. Other than that, things also changed for Thea as she lost her powers forever.

  She felt like she lost apart of herself. No longer having the ability to phase through walls, sinking underground where she can eavesdrop into her brothers' conversations. Now, she was just a regular old sidekick.

    Well, technically, she's still kinda on her extended break and had not been officially invited back to the trio. Thats why, the Wilde girl had been writing music for the past three days.

        The girl promised to make a sample song for  Rocky and his band since he had his first gig this Saturday. Honestly, Thea didn't know why she even offered herself to write them a song, she felt kinda bad that they sucked and didn't want them to make themselves look like fools on stage.

      The young girl began beating her drumsticks to her drum set to find the perfect melody for the song that she has been working on.

       "Not like this, I'm not goin' out, this is not love. I'm a glorified doorstep, stick' my foot out for you." She quietly sang to herself and kept repeating her words while staying on the beat of the drum until a sharp pain shot in her brain.

      Immediately she placed down her sticks to get up from the stool to take her aspirin. For the past few days, the brunette had been having severe migraines as she couldn't sleep since every time she did, she got this creepy nightmare.

      She really needed to take a break. The girl walked out of her room to enter the living room to see her Uncle watching the Swellview News.

        "The Playground Popper has struck again." She heard Mary informing the audience.

         "The Swelllview Police has more duties than usual because someone or something has been using Swelllview Playground every night as a toilet. The police has piles of evidence and yet to arrest the prankster despite being flushed with clues." Trent added making Fizz let out a laugh.

         "Man, this town is sure is weird." Uncle Fizz commented, ending his short chuckle.

     Thea poured some of the coffee into her purple mug. "Tell me something, I don't know." 

           "Uh, how's the song going?"

        "Uh. . .I think more or less or something. I mean, I have the music but I just have a verse."

         "Well, you still have time to come with something." He tried to reassure her.

        She let out an uneasy chuckle. "Not really. Rocky and his band also need to practice it, and lemme tell you, they can't even play for their lives. And Rocky keeps texting me, asking me about the song but I temporarily blocked him cause I can't deal with any distractions."

      A short smirk crept up on Fizz's features. "You sure do talk about Rocky a lot."

        Catching that look from him, Thea's features formed into a grossed out look. "No, no, no! I don't like Rocky at all!" She admitted. Sure, he's cute and all but honestly, Thea can't deal with someone so vain and arrogant as her. Now she began to wonder how did Henry dealt with her.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now