016: raise your voice

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            DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE, Thea never had the opportunity for a famous producer to contact her to meet him so, they can record some music together.

             They were gonna meet this Friday which was today and for the past week, the girl had been counting down the days on her calendar.

             That Friday afternoon, she left her room with a huge smile on her face before getting in her car to pick up Jasper since the boy returned from spending a week at Iowa.

             "Thanks for picking me up, Thea." Jasper thanked when he stepped out of the car while carrying corns in his arms.

       "No problem, Jasper. I love the new mustache by the way." She complimented the facial hair that her friend grew over the holiday.

          They climbed up the mini steps which led them to the front porch. "Thanks, I feel like it's a massive upgrade from my crop top phase," Thea slightly grimaced at that weird phase. The light brunet male swung opened the door. "Coming in with corn!" He loudly announced.

               Thea trailed behind him and closed the door behind her to find Henry and Charlotte at the kitchen who turned their heads when they noticed Jasper and Thea had arrived.

             "So, what I miss when I was in Iowa?"

             Charlotte furrowed her brows at the sight of Jasper's mustache. "A razor. . ."

           He let out a short chuckle. "Oh, you're talking about my mustache. What you think?"

    "I think it's even worse than your chain wallet."

         "My choo-choo chain?" Jasper reached to show off his train keychain that was attached to the loop on his belt. "I love this thing."

               Charlotte sighed. "Henry, can you please talk to some sense to your friend?" She requested, not loving Jasper's mustache.

             Henry approached him. "Jasper, I do not like your mustache." He started.

               "Thank you."

                "I LOVE IT!"


            "I said, I love it!" He repeated his words and shared a brief bro hug with Jasper. "Dude, when did you grow that bad boy?"

            "Well, you must—ached. I grew while I was at my cousin's wedding. In Iowa." He informed.

              "Dude, respect." Henry praised.

Charlotte stared at the two boys in disbelief. "Are you guys messing with me, right now? Thea, please tell them your infamous brutally honest opinion about Jaspers mustache." Knowing the girl didn't care about sharing her opinions.

           "Mustaches are in, Char. I can't share my opinion when something's trending." She replied earning a deadpanned look from her friend.

            "Thanks, Thea. . ."

             Just then the door opened and it revealed to be Piper who walked inside while carrying an animal cage that had a parrot inside.

    "Hey, can you guys watch my class parrot while I'll—" She stopped mid sentence when her eyes wandered over to Jasper. "What is on your face?"

             Jasper leaned away from the couch. "Well, you must—ached. It's my new mustache. Like it?"

              "Can I be 100% honest with you. . ."

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now