004: the secret gets outs

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       Henry had invited Thea and Charlotte over to his house so that they all could play video games together in the living room. The three of them were playing a car racing game and Henry was kept on blocking Charlotte and Thea making him be in the lead which made the two girls get frustrated.

Then Jasper entered the home, "Hey guys, you gotta check this out!" He announced.

"Don't care!"
"We're playing a game."

"No, problem, I'll take over the screen," Jasper shrugged and he changed the screen.

"Dang it, Jasp!"

Jasper went to sit on the couch, "Just watch the video." He instructed.

"What video?" Henry asked.

"It's from the news last night. It's called 'Captain Man's a big fail'."

Charlotte smiled, "Ooh, play it."

Both Henry and Thea exchanged an worried look, "Um, hey, look at my belly button!" Henry blurted out and lifted up his shirt to show them his belly button. Thea had grabbed the end of his shirt and pulled it back down.

Charlotte looked at Jasper, "Just play the video." She told and the curly headed boy played the video from his Pear Pad.

They all looked at the screen to see Captain Man being interviewed by an reporter.
"We're live in downtown Swellview where the Phone Shark has struck again. This time, the Phone Shark bit through a dozen people's cell phones then fled the scene again. Once again, escaping capture from Captain Man. Captain Man, isn't it true that the Phone Shark has been attacking people's phone for over a year now?"

"Yes, that is true." Captain Man nodded.
"So, why don't you catch him?"
"Well, the Dangers and I have been trying."
"But you keep failing, does that bug you?"

Then Jasper had paused for video and Charlotte had a frown on her face, "Aw, I feel bad for Captain Man."

"It's not Captain Man's fault. He just need better sidekicks." Jasper commented and Thea snapped her head towards him.

"What did you just said?"
"One more time?"
Thea and Henry asked.

"Just saying, I'd be way better at catching bad guys than Kid Danger and Danger Girl." Jasper shrugged as Thea let out a loud scoff.

Thea narrowed her eyes, "You're just jealous of them!" She snapped.

Henry nodded, "Yeah, you couldn't catch butt warts!" He retorted.

Charlotte shook her head, "Oh, yes he could. Remember fifth grade?"

"That was a rash. Big difference!" Jasper interjected.

Henry stood up, "Whatever, I think Kid Danger does a great job."

Thea nodded, "Yeah and so does Danger Girl. Like, give them a break!"

"Why are you guys getting all mad?" Charlotte questioned them.

"Because Jasper's being unfair." Henry told.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now