006: the strange new kid

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Thea entered the school building, clutching onto the straps of her purple backpack. She had noticed Henry by his locker and she greeted him which he returned back before heading over to her own locker that was across from Charlotte's.

Thea had opened her locker with her thumbprint, "Show off." She heard Charlotte grumbled making her send a short confused glance to her friend.

After Thea placed some of her books inside her backpack and closed her locker shut, her and Henry walked over to Charlotte who was trying to open her locker again and again but failed. "Hey Char, can I borrow your chemistry notes?" He asked.

Failing again, out of frustration, Charlotte slammed her fist on her locker and turned to them, "Why?!" She yelled which startled them.

"Okay, I'll borrow Jasper's. . ."

"What are you so wazzed off about?" Thea asked.

"My lock is broken again!" Charlotte complained and tried to open her locker again but failed. "Dang, public schools. . ."

"I don't know. Public school isn't so bad," Thea shrugged as she was actually enjoying attending public school instead of private. As if it was on cue, a random boy walked past them and eating glue out of a jar. Thea blinked, "Most of the time. . ." She then mumbled.

"Hey, will you guys. . ." Charlotte gestured towards their Whiz Watches at her locker.

"What?" Henry asked.
"What are you doing?" Thea questioned.

Charlotte leaned in and whispered, "Use your Whiz Watch to open the lock."

"No, what if someone sees?" Henry told.

"I'll create a distraction." Charlotte waved them off and before they could continue, the girl ran to the middle of the hallways and started screaming. Everyone rushed over to her, asking if she was okay as Henry and Thea opened her locker with their Whiz Watches.

Thea sent her a thumbs up to Charlotte, silently telling her to come back. The curly haired girl nodded before looking back at the students, "I'm fine," She told them and walked back over to her friends. "Thanks."


Henry went to open his locker again and then Piper came storming in, "Henry!" She shouted. "I am gonna kill you!"

"What is your sister doing here?" Thea whispered.

"I don't know," Henry shrugged and turned to his little sister. "Hey, you're not supposed to be in the middle school hallway wh—"

"Where's my phone?!" She asked.

Then Oliver walked up to them, "Hey Henry, quick question—"

Piper interrupted him, "Get out of here!" She shouted and the boy ran away from them, loudly crying.

Henry looked back at Piper, "Look, Piper. I don't have your phone. Okay, so you just need to —" He paused and pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Oh, I must've picked it up by accident." He sent her an sheepish smile.

Piper snatched it from him and scrolled through her phone, "Dang it!"

"You butt dialed Jana Terazzini!"
"I hate Jana Terazzini!"
"Then why do you keep her number in her contacts?"

Piper let out a tired sigh, "Because if she calls me, I need to know if it's her so I can ignore it!" She snapped before she walked away from them.

Henry sent her an fake smile, "I love you!"

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now