004: the price of fame

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              DOWN IN THE MAN CAVE, everyone was discussing about the fiasco that happened with Thea last night. It was official: Thea Wilde has now all Ms Hollywood.

           "Hurry up!" Jasper urged Charlotte who was searching for the video of Thea acting like a maniac.

          "I don't know about this. What if Thea walks in?" Charlotte worryingly said.

              "I wouldn't worry about that. She's been skipping out on our missions for the past few weeks." Henry reassured.

                Ray rolled his eyes. "Yeah, cause she thinks she's all that cause she got a record deal." He let out a scoff. Secretly jealous that Thea was getting the perks of being a teen idol.

               "I've found it!" Charlotte announced and the three boys crowded around her to watch the video of Thea shouting at the waitress and destroying the place through the monitor screen.

                 After watching that clip, all of them looked quite disgusted and confused that their friend would act like that.

                Ray broke the silence. "Well, I won't look at lobster the same again."

             Jasper disappointedly shook his head. "I can't believe the whole being famous thing has already gotten to her head. Usually, stars go crazy after the third album drops."

             Charlotte sighed. "Maybe she's caught up in this sort of—" She stopped mid sentence when Thea came down the tubes, the brunette was wearing a white tank top, pink laced up pants with a matching cowboy hat on her head. The Page girl switched off the video and minimized the screen. "HEY, THEA!"

"Sup girlie!" Ray greeted.
"Nice seeing you." Henry nodded.
"We were totally not just talking about you." Jasper tried to play it off but failed.

          Thea rolled her eyes. "Okay, I know you guys were watching that video of me at the restaurant!"

"What. . ."
"Nah. . ."
"Who told you that?"
"That's some cheddar talk."

            Thea almost tripped over from the six inch heels that she was forced to wear. Yes, she love wearing heels but never wore the kinds that her toes are now all bruised up. She fell back to the couch and adjusted her cowboy hat.

               "Can we just forget about it?" Thea requested and pulled out her phone to message one of her assistants.

            Ray hummed. "Good luck to that."

            "It's the number one video right now." Henry informed her and snapped his finger in her face as the girl was more concerned with texting people on her new phone.

            "Yup and so, now the whole world knows what you're turning into—Ms Hollywood." Charlotte added.

          "I'm not turning into Ms Hollywood!" Thea argued in a tired tone, already exhausted from signing all her merchandise since morning. "It's just—things are just complicated in my life right now, I'm just going through some things."

           "Yeah, but you don't have to act like a jerk to everyone around you." Jasper fired back.

              "Since when?"

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now