010: kiss and tell

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CHARLOTTE, HENRY AND JAPER came out of their Spanish class after they received their Spanish tests that they had done a week ago.

"How'd you guys do on the test?" Charlotte spoke.

Jasper shrugged, "I didn't do too bad."

Henry nodded, "Yeah. I'm pretty sure that everyone had passed the quiz unless you have to be really dumb not to."

Just as if it was on cue, Thea left the classroom with the biggest smile on her face, "Check it out, I failed my Spanish test!" She proudly showed her paper to her friends.

Charlotte snatched the paper from the girl to have a look at it herself, "You got an F?"

"Yeah. See that big red letter 'F' beside the frowny face."

"Why are you so happy that you got an 'F'?" Jasper inquired.

"Cause Caden got an F too and that means he has been paying attention to me as I've been to him," Thea explained to her friends. Everyone in their grade knew that her and the Ricci boy knew they were kinda a thing. "Lemme tell you something, failing Spanish is so much work."

"How is failing Spanish hard?" Henry asked.

"Everyday I show up to class late so that he'll definitely notice me. Then I forget my textbook so we have to share one and finally, I let the teacher catch us passing notes so she can keep us both after class."

"That does sound like a lot work." Jasper said.

"You know, I'm surprised that Caden hasn't asked you out yet." Charlotte admitted.

Thea clinched her eyebrows, "How come?"

"Well, I don't know. You guys always flirt with each other and he always picks you first for dodgeball."

"That's 'cause Thea is pretty vicious when it comes to dodgeball." Henry interjected.

"And he'd shared his lunch with you when you forgot yours on Monday." Jasper added.

"I share my lunch with Thea sometimes. . ."

But they weren't listening to the boy, "Didn't he invite you to the beach with his friends a couple of weeks ago and you said that he walked you home. You guys would make such a cute couple." Charlotte gushed.

Henry rolled his eyes, "Oh please. . ." He scoffed under his breath.

"Wait, you guys are right. I mean, Caden and I do love staring into each other's eyes, both of us are failing Spanish and we both make our own hall passes. When is he going to ask me out? I'm tired of the anticipation, this is what foodies feel like when they're placing between their order and getting fries. . ."

Thea doesn't really know if Caden likes her back or not. Like, they act like a couple, their parents know each other, they're friendly with the other person's friend group and they would like super good together. Now either Caden or Thea needs to step up and ask the other person out.

With that, Thea walked away from her friends and headed down the halls to find Caden.

Henry turned to Charlotte and Jasper, "Should we. . ." He started.

"Yeah." And Thea's three friends followed after the girl, wondering what she's gonna do.

You can do this, Thea. You fought villains before — this is a piece of cake. The girl thought to herself when she noticed Caden was standing at his locker with his posse. Thea softly tapped him on the shoulder and when the cute boy turned around, her heart was racing even more. "Hey Caden." She greeted.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now