011: henry the man beast

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    At school, Thea was standing beside Charlotte's locker as her friend was putting her items inside the locker while Thea was listening to music in her headphones.

      "Hey Char, Thea!" The girl looked up from her phone to see Jasper coming towards them wearing a very ugly knitted sweater and pants. "Look at me! What do you think of my outfit?"

      Thea placed her headphones around her neck. "Burn it. Burn all of it." She commented.

      "Did your mom tell you it looked good?" Charlotte questioned him.

     Jasper shrugged. "Yeah."

      "She lied. She lied hard."

    "No. Tonight, me and Henry are going to Glow-N- Bowl," Jasper informed as Charlotte closed her locker. "For bowling in the dark."

      "Pretty self explanatory." Thea chimed in as she clutched onto her pink binder.

       "Can we go now?" Charlotte asked.

       Jasper shook his head. "No, you got to see what my outfit does. Hey Spot, kill the lights!," A random boy switched off the lights so that Jasper can show them his glow in the dark outfits. "Look, I'm luminescent." He started dancing which creeped the girls out so they both walked away to head to class.

                 Thea love her job as being a sidekick 'cause she gets to wear cool costumes, having a underground headquarters and fighting criminals all day. But what she didn't know that one of the cons of being a sidekick and also working in Junk N Stuff is that your boss orders you and your friends to organize everything from the storage room.

            After school, Henry, Thea and Charlotte was down in the Man Cave, organizing items from the storage while Ray was in the other room, probably hanging out with Schwoz or something.

     "Man, how do we have to organize the stupid storage room?" Henry asked as he carried a bucket of yellow wires. "Shouldn't Ray be doing this?"

      "I don't know." Thea shrugged as she was playing with a Rubix cube.

      "Just tell me what that it so I can write it down." Charlotte sighed as she was holding a clipboard.

   Henry placed an object down. "Uh. . .it's a big heavy thing with things on it." He shrugged.

     "Great. Another big thing that's a thing with things on it." Charlotte sarcastically remarked.

      Henry rolled his eyes. "Whatever," He then leaned against this large machine and got electrocuted by it and the girls start to freak out as they watched him get zapped.

    A few moments later it had stopped. "Are you okay?" Thea asked him.

   "Yeah, I'm fine." Henry panted out of breath.

     "What are you doing?" Charlotte asked in disbelief. "Ray said not to mess with this stuff."

     "I wasn't messing with it. I just leaned on it—"

      Just then Ray and Schwoz entered the Man Cave together and were arguing about something that has to do with wild monkeys and soup.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now