018: the elevator kiss

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           Usually, Thea doesn't believe in rumors and gossip as majority of them are false or extremely exaggerated. That's why the girl stays out of gossip and just minds her business — except for this morning.

        She heard from Mandy Chang, the school's gossiper and one of Bianca's best friends had informed Thea about something that involved with Henry and Bianca. And when the Chang girl told Thea what was gonna happen after first period, Thea had bolted out of the biology classroom.

         Her Mary Janes heels clicking against the school's floor as she clutched onto her textbook, trying not to trip over. The girl had met up with Charlotte and her friend knew what was going on as well.

    The two girls rushed over to Henry and Bianca, "Henry, Henry!" Charlotte called as her and Thea was gasping out of breath from their jog around the school to find him.

    "Hey guys." Henry greeted back as Thea placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to catch her breath.

      Thea then placed her hand on her chest, "The one day where I've chosen to wear heels."

   "You always wear heels," Charlotte reminded her and the girl shrugged in response. Then she looked at Bianca, "Hey Bianca." She hazily greeted.

Bianca smiled, "Hi." She sent them a small wave.

"We were just going to discu—" Charlotte grabbed him and Thea by the arm, pulling them aside.

"Is it true?" Charlotte questioned.

"What, they found Big Foot on the moon?" Henry sarcastically said.

Thea rolled her eyes and gently punched him in the arm, "You know what we wanna know. Everyone's talking about it." She said.

"Yeah. It's true. I'm letting Bianca share my locker," Henry stated and the two girls let out a shocked gasp. "Because her locker is upstairs but most of her classes are down here, so we figured she might as well keep some of her stuff in my locker."

"And because you two like each other." Charlotte teased, poking him on the shoulder.

Henry chuckled, "She liked me first."

Thea nodded and folded her arms, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

Jed The Janitor walked over to them and placed his hand on Henry's shoulder, "Son, it's time." He spoke.

"Cool. Bianca!" He called her and the brunette girl turned around. "Let's do this!"

Bianca walked over to him and the janitor my his locker, "Now, kids, sharing a locker is a big deal." He told as he was holding a device that had the wires connected to Henry's locker.

"We know."

"Okay," Jed pressed a button of the device. "Girl, you want to put your thumb on the pad?"

Bianca glanced at Henry with a smile, "I do." She placed her thumb on the thumb pad for a few seconds.

Jed pressed the button of the device "Okay. You're all set," He then took off the wires from the locker. "Now, remember, kids. Life is one long disappointment." He warned before walking away as everyone exchanged a confused look.

"Well, try it." Henry urged Bianca and they all watched the girl placed her thumb on the thumb pad. She opened her and Henry's locker and everyone cheered for them.

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