008: the alien space rock

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Charlotte and Thea both entered Junk N Stuff together as Charlotte was holding an box of corn dogs while Thea was eating one of the delicious corn dogs but two girls had noticed a giant crane in the middle of the room.

"Why is there a big crane in the middle of the store?" Thea questioned.

"You're both late to work." Gooch stated.

"It's not our fault," Charlotte said as Thea nodded in agreement. "There was a line at the Corn Doggery."

You got us corndogs?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, dude."
"Of course."

Charlotte handed Henry a corn dog, "This is not Corn Dog time," Gooch interjected and the three of them gave him a look which made him give in, "Okay, give me a corndog." Thea pulled one out of the box and handed it to him.

"Now back to my question, what's with the crane?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, what's all of this?" Charlotte questioned.

"This is a big rock." Henry said.
"From outer space." Gooch added.

"No, we mean what's this crane for?" Charlotte corrected herself.

"To move the rock. I mean, it weighs over 7,000 pounds." Henry informed.

"That's a lot of pounds."

Charlotte looked at Gooch, "Can I borrow this crane to move my Uncle Rosco 'cause he's been on our couch since Christmas."

Gooch was struggling with the controllers of the crane which he couldn't handle, "Which one of these controls make—" The crane had opened and the rock had fell right in front of them which made them all jump back in shock. Then the rock smashed through the floors below them.

"You dropped the rock." Henry pointed out.

"Wow, that thing's gonna fall all the way down to the Man Cave." Charlotte mentioned.

Henry and Thea exchanged a glance before the both shouted: "Ray!" Their boss was downstairs in the Man Cave, completely unaware about all of this.

Henry rushed over to the counter to grab an walkie talkie, "Ray! There's a seven thousand pound space rock on its way down here!"

There was silence.

"Ray, you there?"

"What happened?"
"What is it?"

"I don't know," Henry told them before talking to the walkie talkie. "Ray, a very heavy rock is about to crash through your ceiling."

Then Ray had finally responded, "Yeah, thanks for the heads up." He groaned.

The very next day, the three teens headed down to the Man Cave after school to start working but they had noticed Gooch and Ray was frantically looking around the Man Cave.

"Ray, what's wrong?" Henry asked as they all dropped their backpacks onto the ground but his boss and Gooch shushed them.

"How come, you are—" Charlotte started but Henry shushed her. "Why are you shushing me?" She asked.

"I don't know. They started it." Henry shrugged and pointed at the two adults.

"Will you guys be quiet?" Ray harshly whispered.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now