009: stuck in jail with you

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In the city's hall, The Dangers and Captain Man was holding their annual Christmas Breakfast on Christmas' Eve. Kid Danger stood at the podium, saying his speech: "You know, it's really great to be—"

"Hey, shut up and feed us!" A woman shouted.

Henry had a fake smile, "Just a moment, sir." Thea's eyes widened and smacked his shoulder.

"I'm a woman!"

"Sorry, m'am. . ." Henry pulled out his flash cards: "Now I present your handsome host the guy who pays for all of this, Swellview's most important citizen: Captain Man!" Everyone erupted into cheers when Captain Man came out, balloons drooling from the air.

Thea scoffed, "We didn't get any of those when we walk in here." She whispered.

"I know, I know." Henry patted the girl on shoulder for reassurance.

"Alright, everyone get up here and grab some Christmas food!" Thea announced, as herself and the two boys were standing in front of the buffet table to serve to them.

"Here kids, put this on." Captain Man handed them two plastic hair nets.

Henry sent him a grossed out look, "Ew, I don't wanna wear a hair net."

"Yeah, I just got my hair done yesterday." Thea pointed out that she had cut her hair two inches shorter.

Ray glared at them, "You have to wear one, you're serving food. It's city's law." Henry took the hair net and slipped it over his slicked back gel hair while Thea quickly put on hers.

"Hey, how come you're not wearing a hairnet?" Henry asked Ray.

Ray chuckled, "Lots of reasons."

Thea placed an hand on her hip, "Which are?"

"First: I'm Captain Man and second: I'm very handsome and I do not wear hair nets."

Thea took a deep breath in and then a deep breath out, "Santa gives coal to angry people, Santa gives coal to angry people." She whispered to herself.

"Hey!" The angry woman shouted which caught their attention. "Is this reindeer eggs locally sourced?" The angry woman asked.

"Uh. . I don't know." Ray replied.

"Well, I won't eat eggs unless they're locally sourced!"

"Okay. . .good for you." Ray sarcastically said.

"Hey, why aren't you wearing an hair net?"

"We've ask the same thing." Thea chimed in.

"Uh. . .lots of reasons. One—"

Then the woman interrupted Ray, "Shut up!" She shouted and Thea let out a snicker.

Ray retorted by saying to the woman, "You know what, I guess that you don't get invited to alot of parties?" In response, woman growled at the superhero before walking away.

The Vice Mayor pulled Captain Man aside for a second to inform him that the Swellview news reporter is gonna interview them. "Crud. . ." Ray groaned as Willard walked away.

"What's the problem?"
"Is everything okay?"

"I took this reporter out on a date last week and I told her, I'll text her the next day and I didn't."

"Thats a crappy move." Thea commented.

"And here's Captain Man," The Vice Mayor introduced Evelyn to the superhero.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now