005: unlucky jett

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IN SWELLVIEW ACADEMY, it was finally lunchtime for the sixth, seventh and eighth graders. After coming out of science class, Zach and his two best buddies—Hugo and Cyrus.

           Zach had been best friends with them since kindergarten after they bonded over video games and their parents neglecting them that they bought them gifts to fill the void. To be honest, Zach never really had other friend—besides Piper—as he hated change. And also he founded everyone else in his school kinda annoying.

           The three tweens grabbed their lunch and headed into the dining area to sit at their usual table reserved for them—the right hand corner.

            "I'm so happy that they finally added brownies." Hugo beamed at his lunch tray that consisted of sushi and roasted vegetables.

         "Me too. Let's just hope Aaron Frazier won't sneak into the kitchen and eat all the desserts again." Cyrus added and the boys sent a look at the blond boy from afar who had piles of brownies on his tray and stuffing all of them inside his mouth.

    "So, what we gonna do to this Friday night?" Zach inquired when they all took their seats. He placed his basketball on his lap.

      "We can maybe go play miniature golf." Hugo suggested.

      "We did that last week," Cyrus reminded. "We always do the same thing on Friday night. We swim around in Zach's pool, we play miniature golf and then we drive around Swellview in our go karts until Hugo throws up on someone."

        Zach raised his brows. "Really then guess who father managed to score three tickets to the Lakers' game this weekend?"

"No way!"

       Zach and Cyrus turned to Hugo with a deadpanned expression. "Me, my Dad bought me three tickets to the basketball game." He informed and his two friends cheered in victory.

"Laker's here we come!" Zach attempted to toss the basketball into the trashcan across the room but it ended up hitting one of his classmates in the face making him drop his lunch and fall onto the ground.

Everyone turned to the yelp and laughed at him making the male student gather his things then ran out of the lunchroom.

Cyrus turned to Zach. "You missed the shot." He pointed out.

"And I think you hit Jett Carter." Hugo added when he grabbed his chopsticks.

"Man, now I have to go and apologize." Zach sighed and was about to stand up from his chair until his friends stopped him.

"Are you batty?"

"What, what's wrong?"

"You can't talk to Jett Carter."

Jett Carter was a new student that transferred to Swellview Academy, a couple of weeks ago from Alaska. Nobody in their grade talked to him and Zach honestly didn't know why.

"Because if you talk to him. It's a social class breech," Cyrus continued however, Zach still didn't understand. "You, Hugo and I are in the rich kids clique. We hang out with the other rich kids and the jocks. Then we have the gifted child prodigies that can hang out with the rich kids but not the jocks and finally, we have the commoners who are really only here by that lottery where they allowed one kid from the entire country to transfer here. They can only hang out with by themselves."

"But what about Marlon Scott. He's a gifted child prodigy, a jock and once a commoner until his Dad founded Toaster Strudels last year?" Hugo pointed out.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now