016: 6 feet underground

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      THEA entered the Man Cave with Charlotte and Henry which they were all laughing  about something that Henry had said. But they stopped in their tracks when they saw Ray on the couch, crying to himself and his underwear stuck on the walls.

    "What the. . ." Thea trailed off, glancing around her surroundings in total confusion.

       The three teens walked up to him. "Ray, why are you crying?" Henry questioned.

       "And why is your underwear stuck all over the place?" Charlotte asked as Thea sat herself down on the couch.

        "I. . . don't know!" Ray exclaimed before breaking down crying again as Thea rubbed his back to try and comfort him.

         "Aw, Ray. C'mon, buddy — I promise, we'll figure out who did this to your underpants and we'll get them." Henry stated as himself and Charlotte sat next to Thea.

"They'll pay for what they'd did."
Charlotte and Thea agreed.

      Ray shook his head. "No, don't you see, I did this! I did this to myself." He informed.

      Thea furrowed her eyebrows. "Uh. . .you glued your underpants on the wall?"

        "Why?" Charlotte asked.

       "You tell me!" Ray huffed. "I took a nap, right here and when I woke up, this bottle of glue was in my hand and the underwear'd been stuck all over the place!" He cried out.

  "Okay, maybe you were sleepwalking ." Henry suggested and Thea nodded in agreement.

     "Yeah, maybe that might've been the reason." Thea agreed. "If it makes you feel better, I play the accordion when I'm asleep."

       "It's true." Charlotte chimed in. "That's why I bring earplugs when I stay over at her place."

       "Maybe 'cause this isn't the first time something like this has happened," Ray informed. "The other night, I woke up at four in the morning, and you know what was in my bed with me?"

       "Was it Schwoz's pig?"

     "I wish. But no I woke up, and I found myself lying in my own spaghetti!"

"I'm sorry, what?"
Henry and Thea asked.

         Ray stood up and pointed at the Auto Snacker. "Earlier that day, I made a big pot of spaghetti, right? And when I woke up, it was all around me. . .in my bed! There was meatballs in my pajamas!"

        "All right, just calm down—"

       Ray interrupted Charlotte. "I can't calm down!" He snapped making the girl flinch and Thea scooted away from him. "I'm losin' it, I put things down when I go to look for 'em, I can't find 'em and I'm loosing my balance too! I'm falling down for no reason," He panicked before he let out a small scream. "Look at my underwear — it's on the walls! That's not where underwear should be, why's it on the wall?"

       "Cause you put them there," Thea answered making Ray start bursting out crying again and her two friends glared at her. "What, he'd asked a question and I answer it."

        Henry walked up to his boss which startled the man. "Listen to me, listen to me. I want you to go to your room."

"Right now!"
"Mm- hmm!"
"And take a long nap."
"But there's a spaghetti in my bed!" Ray cried onto Henry's shoulder.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now