008: i hope you're happy

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DAYS HAD PASSED and yet  Thea was stuck in the same place in her bedroom.

               Thea had spent five weeks in Acapulco, Mexico with her brothers, her mother and Bryce and she could not recall anything. It was like those weeks went by a complete blur.

          Whenever Thea felt like this, her parents always told her to shove all those emotions right down her stomach and shift her attention onto something else. So, that's what she did. She went swimming in the pool, trying the Mexican cuisine and even tried to learn Spanish (she gave up in five hours after Ethan repeatedly correcting her pronunciation). As much as she tried moving forward, her mind kept wandering back to the MAN dance.

           God, she cannot get that night outta her head, playing like a broken record. She remembered in that moment—the way Henry was on the verge of tears, the way her heart dropped when their argument escalated into her dumping him and her walking home in the rain with tears stains all over her rosy cheeks. 

            Her and Henry fought before but it was the type of fights that they would forget about after a couple hours not the ones that would cause them to breakup. Who knew, being with someone yet feeling like complete strangers was the reason behind this breakup.

            Maybe Thea made a mistake. Breaking up with him had to be the dumbest thing she had ever done in her life. There was so many things that she could have said. So many solutions to this problem. She thought saving the person she cared about the most was the best decision.

          But as the Wilde she is, they're known for being unable to tap into their inner emotions instead shielded their vulnerability with snark, money, achievements and power.

           As her mother was enjoying her new home in Mexico, she received support from her two brothers. Well, all they did was to drag her out of bed, remind her to drink water, eat food and even took her out on sunset walks on the beach. Thea really appreciated them and happy that she had Ethan and Zach—despite how annoying they are.

              But by the end of the day, Thea kept thinking back to her relationship. Sure, it sounded pretty tense that the pair spent everyday together but really, they actually enjoyed it. Life was like sunshine and rainbows when she was with him. She missed his smile. She missed his Dad jokes. She missed his hair. She missed staring into his eyes. She missed the way he held her hand outta nowhere. All she wanted was to run over to his house, engulf him into a tight hug and apologize for what she had done.

           But another side told her that they needed to end things. It was for the best. Henry didn't felt secure in their relationship and was almost loosing his sanity over Thea. He deserved to be with someone that gave him their full attention.

          At school, Thea left the classroom and began walking down the halls until she noticed Charlotte and Jasper standing at the locker area.

           She smiled. "Hi, guys."

       "Hi, Thea."

             Jasper furrowed his brows. "How come we didn't see you in English?" He inquired.

            "Uh, I was there. I was sitting in the back." She jutted her thumb at the room that she just walked out from.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartWhere stories live. Discover now