bonus chapter (4)

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lately, it's so hard to breathe, yeah, falling 'bout a million times, it's a miracle I'm still alive. No one said that it was easy, tryna piece the broken pieces, but that's the shit I'm working on, the journey is a work of art. I can't erase all the things that I've done but all the mistakes made me who I've become


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The ground shook under Charlie's feet. Her knees wobbled and her stomach twisted with anxiety as she held the door, counting each head as it ran past her. one oh eight, one oh nine, one ten. She continued counting each student as they ran past her, silent, like the practice drills have taught them how to do. Bringing up the end of the line was Wanda Maximoff, breathless with wide eyes.

"They got through the barrier." She told Charlie.

Charlie nodded, "I counted a hundred and ten students, that should be everyone that's not in the program."

"Charlie, you know Oliver's up there, right?"

She settled a hand on her stomach. "I know." She turned around and shut the large metal door; locking in over a hundred students and a few armed and qualified professors. Although everyone in there was armed; students with the capabilities to bring someone to their knees with just a single touch. If all else failed, they'd be able to protect themselves. 

When Charlie turned to face Wanda she stuck out her hand. "Let's go, they need us."

The two women started to jog back up the corridor that brought them to the sub level of the school, one level above the hiding kids. Red lights blinked on and off with no sound; a signal to the children that was the school was under attack. In the six and a half years since she's been at school never had it been attacked.

Various mutants were running around, changing into their X-Men gear and preparing for the incoming fight. Charlie's eyes scanned the chaos for the brown-haired boy, one she wasn't thrilled was getting ready to fight. Oliver was seventeen and his skills ensured him an early spot on the X-Men team. When it came to a home invasion, everyone was called. Charlie almost wanted to curse her grandfather, but he was no longer with them. 

"Wanda, where's the baby?" Logan yelled as he approached his wife. 

"He's with the rest of the children," Wanda said. "I wasn't going to let you fight without me." 

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