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"When all you got is these four walls
It's not that hard to feel so small
Or even exist at all"

Sleeping with Sirens,
Better of Dead

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H A L L O W E E N was in full bloom when Charlie walked out into the cold and dark night. The sky was perfectly free of any clouds and the stars were brighter than ever, and the full moon was nearly picture perfect.

She was bundled under a sweatshirt and a jacket over that, with thick socks and heavy jeans. Her arms were crossed and she shivered.

Oliver was warm with excitement. His friend Aiden was also a pirate, and their costumes nearly matched. The two of them were discussing how much candy they wanted to get.

They both had plastic pumpkin baskets to carry their candy in.

Bucky Barnes was adorned in his usual bomber jacket, and a baseball hat sat on his head. His hair was pulled back in a low ponytail and his hands were covered in gloves.

There were many other children walking around, of all ages, and the atmosphere was anything but creepy or scary.

Aiden and Oliver ran ahead in excitement to the neighbor's house.

Bucky and Charlie walked together.

"Thanks again for coming, it means so much to him." She said, shoving her hands in her pockets.

Bucky looked over at her, noticing that the tip of her nose was already red. He wished he could warm her up.

"I'm glad. And this is interesting to see." He looked around at all the children dressed up. It did sadden him greatly when he would occasionally see a Captain American shield pass by, and even an Iron Man mask.

Charlie knew it must have been hard for him, so she tried her best to keep him distracted.

"So work today was interesting. That new girl, Megan, she never showed. So I guess she quit."

"Maybe because she felt bad about yesterday."

"It wouldn't be the first time I got flour everywhere. The syrup mess though, that was a new one."

Bucky laughed quietly, his eyes on Oliver as he ran to the next house. "I didn't even know what to do. You just sat there and just stared..."

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