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"You promised the world I fell for it, I put you first and you adored it"

Selena Gomez,
Lose You to Love Me

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T H E  dark room smelt of metal, and of burning. The windows had been nailed shut with thick curtains hanging over them. An old couch with ripped cushions was pushed against one wall. Opposite to that was a desk.

The only light in the room stemmed from the old computer that sat on it. Images of the Winter Solider were both displayed of the screen and on the wall behind it. Thick red X's had been scribbled on the assassins face. Beside that, we're printed pictures of Hydra from their former glory.

In the chair sat Noah Ferguson. His eyes were red from the hours he had spent crying over the guilt he felt for harming Charlie. Dust of his last high still sat under his nose.

He had spent the last twelve hours in a manic state. Perfectly hidden from the world, where the police would never find him, he conjured up a plan to keep Charlie safe from the Winter Solider.

He wasn't sure what he had to do, or what would work, but he knew that he had to do something. His mind convinced himself that she was safer with him then with the man who single handedly once brought down the Avenger's.

Past memories kept flashing back to him. The day that he first met the beautiful woman who still held his heart. And how he knew that he wanted to marry her one day. He sat behind her in their freshman college class, and he was in love from the moment she laughed.

And their first date. He had taken her on a trip to the city in the middle of winter. They went ice skating in Central Park and bought hot dogs on the corner of Broadway. They looked up at the Avenger's Tower and pretended they lived there as heroes.

He loved her; everything she did captivated her.

Then there was their first fight, a year after they shared a near perfect relationship. And he remembered so vividly of shoving her to the ground that it still haunts him every night. He still cried over the look in her face. It had become his biggest regret.

The third fight was the worse. She had come home drunk after spending the night at a friends. He remembered how she stumbled into the dorm room and was more than surprised to see him. They had a fight the other day, and hadn't talked since. Noah's anger was brought from the idea of her cheating on him.

"Did you kiss him?" Noah had yelled almost instantly.

He remembered how drunk she was. "Noah, what?"

"You're supposed to love me, not him." Noah had never cried more before that night. In his hand was a pocket knife.

"I don't love him." Her words had been slurred and anyone could know she drank to much.

"That's right. You love me. Only me."

"No. You hit me."

"Shut up! It was a mistake. Baby, I love you."

He didn't remember going after her with the knife. But he remembered the blood and how she screamed. It was the same scream he heard when he closed the door on her ankle.

It was the same scream that haunted his dreams so often.

And then her parents were killed the next week. His guilt over harming her consumed him and he didn't go to the funeral. He didn't make any attempt to contact her. And then he turned to dust.

When he woke up five years later, she was his first thought. But she wanted nothing to do with him.

He remembered her so vividly; his mind imagining what their relationship could have been more then what it had been. He remembered the way her lips felt and how she tasted; in every sense of the word.

He remembered spending nights in her dorm, wrapped in the blankets and dreaming about their future. He remembered surprising her with flowers when she failed a test.

And cheering her on at every softball game she went to. He'd get a sign and write 'That's my girl' in huge letters. And he'd buy her sports drinks for every game, and carry her bag after the game was over.

He was at every single one of them.

Noah thought too deeply, so much so he convinced himself, that Charlene Grant was still in love with him. That they could make it work.

And a desperate man who lost the one thing he loved above everything else, was more dangerous than any villain.

I have to work today and I really don't want to I'm thinking about quitting my job and just living in my bed at my moms house for the rest of my life what do you guys think?

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