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"I know a guy who's tough but sweet,
He's so fine, he can't be beat. He's got everything that I desire, sets the summer sun on fire"

Bow Wow Wow,
I want Candy

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O U T S I D E the house, the impending thunderstorm wrecked havoc on the small town of Esopus, New York. But inside the house, the heat was on and laughter filled the air.

Candy Land sat on the kitchen table, almost at the end of its game. An empty bowl of popcorn sat besides it along with various candy wrappers.

Oliver Grant sat on his knees on the chair, excitement filling every part of his soul as he was about to pull a card from the deck. An immediate victory cheer sounded from his loud mouth when he saw the color and knew it would win him the game.

Charlie Grant sat beside him, snuggled under one of her father's old sweatshirts. She looked across the table and met Bucky's blue eyes. They both shared a knowing smile as Oliver began to brag about winning the game.

They had let him win.

"Good game, maybe next time." Oliver patted the broad shoulder that belonged to Bucky Barnes; and his small hand wasn't even half the size.

"Charlie, as usual, you suck." Oliver then turned to his sister and out stretched his small hand.

"Thanks, little man." Charlie said and smacked his hand away. She then yawned and looked at the time, noticing how late it had gotten. It was already nearing ten at night.

Oliver caught on to her look and immediately sighed. "I don't want to go to bed."

"We have to be up early tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Besides, it's way past your bedtime."

Oliver huffed but didn't argue, which surprised both Bucky and Charlie. "Okay, I guess so."

The two adults shared another look before Charlie started ushering Oliver to brush his teeth and get ready for bed. "Two minutes, Olly. No cheating." She called out to him as he walked into the bathroom.

Then she turned to clean up the game board on the table.

"He cheats at brushing his teeth."

"Nine year olds." She laughed. Once the game was put away, she put all the dishes in the sink.

Then, turning to Bucky, she spoke again. "You sure you're good? After everything..." Concern washed over her features and she crossed her arms.

HAPPY || b. barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now