It's been several months since Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff gave their lives to bring back the trillions murdered in the decimation.
In the wake of the post - apocalyptic clean up, and the entirety of the universe adjusting to home the life...
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"No dark side for us No fights just because No silence that kills, oh No, no sleepless nights Oh, just you and I I love how love feels"
Julia Michaels, 17
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T H A T night, after Bucky grilled burgers for the family to eat on the porch under the warm spring sun, the makeshift family settled into the TV room to watch a movie. In addition to Pizza Friday's, Saturday Night movies became another weekly event.
This week was Grease, and keeping it hidden, Bucky was excited to watch it. He loved anything that related to the past; any movies or song from when he couldn't remember. So naturally, he was excited to be watching the movie for the first time.
A bowl of popcorn sat on the coffee table while Oliver set the disc in the player. Then he moved to lie down on the couch, pulling an old blanket over his tired body.
Bucky was already sitting on the couch.
"She needs to hurry it up. I can't stay awake forever." Oliver complained.
They both heard Charlie rummaging around upstairs until finally, the heavy footsteps of her walking down the stairs.
"Sorry, I lost track of time." Charlie said, running her hand through her wet hair. She then shut off the lights and walked towards the couch, tickling Oliver's stomach in the process.
He giggled and pushed her away.
Charlie sat down on the couch, instantly grabbing a blanket to cover her cold body and leaning against Bucky. His arms immediately wrapped around her waist and brought her closer to him.
She laughed and pulled her legs up so her feet were resting flat against the soft cushion. Then she moved her hand to intertwine with his.
"This movie is really good." Charlie said as the screen showed its opening credits.
"That's because you're in L-O-V-E with Danny." Oliver said, grabbing the bowl of popcorn to munch on it.
"Obviously. Danny was what started my love for bad boys."
"What about Uncle Jessie from Full House?" Oliver asked.
"Uncle Jessie's my future husband, no way around that."
"Fine. But I get to marry Sandy then. She's too pretty."