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"I don't think they know it, how bad I'm broken
The colors you see have become lost on me
And I can't find the root of the bleed"

Chelsea Cutler,

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W H E N Bucky woke up a day later, the house was cold. His head spun in every direction and the light from above was blinding. It caused pain to spread through the veins in his head, seeping into his brain and behind his eyes.

A deep groan fell out of him when he moved, turning on his side to push himself up. His arm was weak, unsteady, but his metal one was his strength.

"Charlie." He mumbled her name; his voice was hoarse and his throat hurt. He swallowed thickly and looked around the room. He thought back on how he got on the floor of the living room.

At first, his memory failed him. But as he looked around at the dried blood on the floor, a gun on the other side of it, and the knocked over and broken lamp that fell victim to his assault.

"Oliver." He breathed out. Bucky could hear the sound of Oliver screaming in his mind, and his gut went tight against his stomach.

Bucky got to his feet, stumbling at first, and went to Oliver's room. His covers were draped across the floor, his stuffed animals out of place. Broken glasses were on the floor with the glass frames shattered.

"No, no." He blinked slowly. "Olly."

His feet led him back out the door and into Charlie's room, where the warm breeze was coming in from the open window. Her blankets were on the floor, a glass cup shattered by the nightstand.

The outside light shined in through the window, lighting up the dust that circled the air. In the daylight, it seemed like it wasn't real. Just a picture of his past life.

But it was real.

Air filled Bucky's lung unexpectedly and rushed, and he fell back into the door as the reality of what had happened set it.

Charlie and Oliver Grant were gone. Abducted in the middle of the night.

And he couldn't protect them.

But Bucky didn't fall to his knees and cry, and curse and scream, like he wanted to. He didn't wrap himself in her blankets and try to live in the last bit of her scent. The sweet perfume and the everlasting scent of coffee and flour.

No, not Bucky.

He changed quickly; into jeans and a shirt. His metal hand clinked against the metal of his gun. He slid it into the waist band.

The keys to Charlie's Honda Civic were next and within seconds, he was heading out the door.

The warm summer day had only just begun. The sun was low in the sky and the birds were still singing. It was quiet other than that.

But it wasn't that that caused him to pause on the porch. It was Sam and Wanda. They were both standing in the yard, with Addison Turner.

The sound of the front door slamming closed caused the three to turn to watch Bucky approach them. "They're gone." His voice shook.

"We know." Wanda said. Her eyes were red from the crying she had done in the past day. She hated crying. She hated weakness.

Charlie and Oliver Grant were weaknesses to them all.

A firm glare was set on Bucky's face as he looked at Sam. "How long has it been?"

"Not long. Wanda came to get Charlie and found the mess. I got here an hour ago."

Bucky ran his hand through his hair. "Fuck, fuck."

"What the hell happened to you?" Addie said, crossing her arms. Her eyes narrowed at the man. "Aren't you the fucking Winter Solider, what happened?"

"Hey, take it easy. It wasn't his fault." Sam defended his friend.

"Bullshit. Charlie's my best fucking friend. She saved my goddamn life. It's your fault that she's gone. Why the hell didn't you try harder?" Addie yelled. Her worry and anger for her friends abduction was too great to control.

"We don't know that." Wanda said.

"It's Hydra. It has to be." Bucky said with anger. His heart was beating out of his chest. "Fuck. Who else would take them?"

Sam shook his head, not giving in to what was said. "I don't think it was. Hydra hasn't been active since the decimation. It's something else."

"You can't know that."

"We both dealt with Hydra before, Buck. If it was, they would have killed them and taken you." Sam argued.

Bucky's eyes widened at his words. "What if they're dead now? Fuck, fuck, fuck. Sam, I can't lose them. I can't fucking lose them."

"Nobody is losing anybody. Fury is already on his way and Peter has a friend hacking the security footage on these roads. We are going to find them."

Bucky turned back to face the house he had grown to love. His hands were trembling, knees shaking, and he felt like he was going to be sick. His jaw clicked and popped with anger every time he tried to swallow the lump that now had a home in his throat.

Then, without shedding a tear that so desperately wanted to escape, he looked back at his friends. "Let's get to work. Now."

I love Addie I need a friend like her also 7k reads omg thank you!!

Hope you are all well!

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