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"If I can't live without you, I can't live at all
I'm sick of finding reasons
To feel the way I did before

Hold On

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A N argument broke out in the Avenger's facility. Several of the disbanded Avenger's were gathered around the conference table, where several scattered papers sat on the top and a tablet displayed the latest surveillance of Charlie and Oliver's abduction.

The security camera at the end of their street caught the whole thing; and Bucky watched Charlie repeatedly get knocked out by the back of a gun.

He vowed to kill that man.

"We have no reason to believe it's Hydra." Fury's voice was stern, and he did a good job at hiding the anger in his tone. "And frankly, the kidnapping of two civilians is not my biggest priority right now. The local authorities are already working on a missing persons file."

"There is no reason for Charlie and Oliver Grant to be abducted." Peter said, his eyes dancing between Bucky and the video in front of him. "It has to be something. Another threat, another cult. It might not be the Nazi's but it's something."

"We have hardly brought Shield back up. We cannot risk a wild goose chase to find some girl and kid."

"Goddammit Fury!" Sam yelled and threw his hands up. "They were kidnapped because of us! For their connection to the Avenger's. Fury, we need to do something."

The old Shield Director sighed loudly and looked at Bucky Barnes. He was sitting on the other side of the room, his hands clasped together and his head hung low.

It had been two days. Forty eight hours. He hadn't slept once.

"We have people working on it." Fury said. "Hill is leading a team as we speak. But we all know the statistics. Odds are, by now, we're looking for a body."

The room fell silent at his words, and any last shred of hope fell through. Because what Fury had said was right; and the odds of finding Charlie and Oliver Grant alive were growing less likely as each second passed by.

A loud bang echoed as Bucky pushed his chair backwards and left the room.

Fury frowned; guilt filled him. A feeling he didn't like; especially because it was towards a man that nearly killed him twice. He looked at Sam. "I'm doing the best I can. There's nothing. We lost surveillance when they left town. Facial recognition, witnesses, there's nothing, Sam. I can only do so much."

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