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"Wish that there was a way I could have saved
One little moment, yeah
Pull it out when I can, handle the pain"

Sad Songs

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C H A R L I E found herself at the mercy of Jace the day after her first questioning. She was taken by the guard in the middle of the night, so quietly and undisrupted that Steve Rogers didn't wake from his slumber on the other side of the room.

The light of the hallway was huge contrast from the dark of her cell, and her eyes squinted at the sudden light. Her arms were held tightly by the guard as he led her down the hallway, passed many doors that were marked with an X.

She wondered if Oliver was hidden behind one of the doors.

When they got to their destination, after countless turns down metal hallways, she found herself standing in the middle of a room with hardly anything of value.

"What is this?" She asked.

The guard nodded his head towards the chair. On its seat were dark clothing, folded neatly. "Change. Jace will be here soon."

Charlie heard the door close behind her and she looked yet again around the room. She could see her reflection in the brightly lit metal; and she wondered if it was a two way mirror.

Deciding against worrying about that, she changed quickly. Thankful to rid the old shirt that smelt of blood and dirt, and the leggings that matched.

She was almost thankful that she had been given a bra.

Once she was changed she looked again at her poor reflection; already barely recognizing the woman that she saw. Her hair was an unruly mess, matted and bloody. The bags under her eyes were deep and well rounded, and her cheeks looked hallow despite the fact she had only stayed one night in the compound.

The door opened without warning.

"Miss Grant, I apologize for the wait. I'm afraid one of our subjects was having difficulty with his newfound abilities." Jace said causally in a polite tone; like he had been late for dinner.

"Please, tell me where my brother is?"

"He is fine. He's enjoying his time here with us. You must not worry. You are completely safe with us here." Jace told her. He watched her small hands turn into fists and he smiled. "My love, that will do you no good. Now come along, we have important work to do."

Charlie had no choice but to follow him out of the room. She didn't have a choice about anything.

Jace spoke as they walked down the metal hallway. He walked in front of her and the guard behind her. She thought it was stupid; she wouldn't attempt at trying to escape. She wouldn't be able to make it out of his hallway alone without their fingerprints. She was just barely above five feet; she couldn't fight off anyone.

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