bonus chapter (3)

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"I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you"

Taylor Swift,

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CHARLIE stood over Charles' desk, her eyes fawning over the blueprints for a new Danger Cove. The old one was outdated; it needed to be fixed.

The older man sat at his wheelchair, though he wasn't too focused on what he was seeing in front of him. He had grown older, and he knew he didn't have much time left. A year or two, maybe more, maybe less. He had spent the last six years since his grandchildren arrived, training the eldest of the two to take over for him.

It was already in his will, Charlie would inherit the school. She didn't know it yet.

Right now he was testing her, baiting her. He was waiting to see if she could figure out what solution could be.

She did not disappoint.

"If we knock down the wall to the weaponry, we can push it further back. That will give the students a bigger area to train." Charlie said. Her finger pressed against the blueprint and she showed him what she was talking about.

Charles smiled as he nodded. "I like that idea."

His granddaughter's smile matched his as she felt her phone vibrate. After checking it, she knew she had to run.

"I'll see you later, grandpa. I'll start calling contractors tomorrow afternoon after my class."

"Don't forger, the new student will be joining us. She seems to have been showing atmospheric pressure powers as well."

"I know," Charlie waved her hand as she started gathering her things. Her long white hair fell forward and she swooped it backwards. "I already have started a lesson plan for her. I'm thinking about working with her solo for a little while. Just while she adjusts from being away from home."

Charles nodded proudly. He had never expected Charlie to become so suited at the school. He wanted her to, yes, but it was a surprise to him when she told him she wanted to help. To teach. To guide.

Charlie gave her grandfather a quick hug before she left, her legs working quickly to get her out of his office and down the long hallways to the front of the school.

It was mid afternoon; which meant the students were either in afternoon classes or spending the spring day out on the back yawn. There weren't too many people inside the school right now.

The heat was overwhelming when she stepped outside and she felt it overtake her immediately. Heat was never easy on her.


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