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"You've brought a lot of sunshine into my life
You've filled me with happiness I never knew
You gave me more joy than I ever dreamed of
And no one, no one can take the place of you"

Natalie Cole,
This Will Be (Am Everlasting Love)

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O N E week had past since the night that Oliver grew mad at the both of them. Bucky had only visited the coffee shop twice, because he felt guilty over what had happened. He didn't want to come between the two siblings; he wouldn't allow himself to.

It had taken nearly two days before Oliver forgave Charlie; though in truth, he had forgotten why he was so angry in the first place. Now it was as if nothing had happened; though he wondered why Bucky hadn't come around again.

And Charlie felt guilty for it too. She knew that Oliver growing dependent on the older man wasn't a good thing, because everything always ended. She almost wishes she had never brought Bucky into his world.

But that wish always left within seconds. Because she knew that Bucky did more good for Oliver than bad, and that Bucky needed Oliver and her just as much.

That was why it pained her when he put distance between them. It killed her actually, she missed him more than anything.

That Friday night he had left shortly after she had calmed down, and she didn't see him again until he stopped by for coffee on Tuesday of latest passing.

She missed him more than she thought. Every time she thought of him, it was like the air got stuck in her lungs and she couldn't let it out. She thought often about the comfort he gave to her when Oliver got mad, and how comfortable it was to hold his hand. She longed for the feeling of his skin. How warm he was, and how gently he touched it.

So when Bucky Barnes walked into the coffee shop Friday morning, it was as if all her prayers had been answered. When she saw his face she felt as if she could breathe again, and she hated how dependent she had become on him in only a matter of weeks.

It's been almost three months since their first encounter and she longed for more.

So when she saw him for the first time since Tuesday, she pulled off her apron and told Addie she'd be back in ten.

Then she crossed the dining area of the coffee shop and grabbed his hand, pulling him back outside into the cold air and around the corner to the parking lot.

"Look, I don't do well with the whole distant thing. I don't like it." Charlie said. She crossed her arms and then spoke again. "So you need to tell me right now if you still want to be friends with me and my brother because I can't keep getting my hopes up every time I hear that bell ring and it's not you that walks in."

Bucky was shocked by her words and his mouth parted only slightly. He wasn't sure what to say, not to her outburst, but he did feel remorse for how he had been acting the past week.

That was where he started. "I'm sorry, Charlie. I don't want to come between you two. You guys need each other."

"We need you too, Bucky." She told him very honestly. He looked at her then, not sure what to say. "Look, I'm sorry. I know it was probably intense with Oliver. He just gets so excited about things and he can't control his emotions like a regular kid."

"Don't be sorry," He told her then. "I just didn't want to cause any trouble between you two."

"You didn't. He's fine. He was just jealous and he didn't expect it." Charlie said. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans. The wind blew and goosebumps covered her skin. "Bucky, I'm going to be honest with you. After my parents and the blip, I didn't think we would have anyone else. But then I met you and..." She was about to say that she liked him, more than anything else in the world. That she cared for him in every way anyone could possibly care for another person. But then she stopped herself. "Then I met you and you reminded me that Oliver and I weren't alone in the world anymore."

Bucky swallowed and nodded, looking down. A part of his hair fell in front of his eyes and he pushed it back. "I'm not going anywhere, Charlie."

At his words, the woman smiled. "Okay. Good. 'Cause I still need to get you back for the flour two weeks ago."

Bucky laughed and then looked at the goosebumps on her arms. "Come on, you should go back inside."

"Wait, Bucky." She said quickly. "Would you like to spend Thanksgiving with us? If you don't have anything else to do."

Bucky was surprised by what she said, and he felt an emotion he couldn't quite place. Then he smiled. "I would love to."

Ok I know these past few chapters have sucked 😭😭 but it'll start picking up soon

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday AND NOW ITS THANKSGIVING AND THEN CHRISTMAS

Also I made my classes for next semester and they SUCK lol

I love you 🖤

Lol also I love this

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Lol also I love this

Lol also I love this

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