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"So stay with me, stay with me
Why not just vacay with me
Run away for the day with me
Honest, that's okay with me"

Stay With Me

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F R I D A Y night came quick. The unfortunate necessity of Charlie Grant at the coffee shop caused pizza night to have one less attendee, and it wasn't until nearly eleven that she walked through the quiet house.

She was exhausted; having worked earlier this morning and then having to go back. As much as she had wanted to refuse, she hadn't been able to.

The house was quiet as she draped her jacket across the stair railing and kicked off her flour covered sneakers. The only sound came from above, a TV, coming from her bedroom.

Charlie felt thankful at the sound of it, knowing that Bucky was awake. She had barely been able to even talk to him today, as she worked a near fifteen hour day.

After climbing the stairs to the upper level, she checked on Oliver first. Once she saw that the ten year old boy was dreaming peacefully in sleep, she walked down the rest of the hallway to her room.

With feet aching, she pushed the door open and closed it behind her. When she saw that Bucky Barnes was actually asleep, and had left the TV on by accident, she sighed.

"I'm so waking you up." She mumbled.

Charlie went to her dresser, pulling out one of Bucky's shirts and changing into it. Then, because the house was warm, she didn't bother putting on any pants. Instead, she shut off the lamp and walked around to get onto the bed.

Her small and cold hands set on Bucky's arms as she climbed to sit on him, and then laid down. He started to stir in his sleep as she laid her head down on his broad chest.

"Charlie?" He mumbled, and then his eyes opened. "When did you get home? Why are you on me?" He asked. His arms moved to her waist, making sure she didn't slide off of him or move anywhere.

"Like two minutes ago. And because I missed you." She said. She breathed heavily as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You smell so good."

"You smell like coffee."

She groaned and looked up, meeting his eyes. "It was awful."

But Bucky didn't comment on her words. Instead, his tired eyes looked over the face he barely saw that day and a smile spread across his face. "Hi."

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